ADabOfOppo; Gone Plaid (Instructables Can Be Confusable)

It is not a compliment, but it is the goal. The goal was cheap and big, and the result was cheap and big. This works in the US and would certainly not work in Europe. Hence the different vehicles VW produces for these different markets.

A new crossover is not horrible. It's just... Uninteresting?

Exactly. Europe got a new Touareg, which is capable but expensive. Europe did not get the Atlas. The Atlas, aimed for the US and China, is simply big and cheap. A people mover.

It would have been a fine defense if she didn’t SHOOT SOMEONE IN THEIR OWN HOME AND DIDN’T BARGE IN DRUNK.

I’m super stoked for Stef! She’s one of the reasons why I started reading Jalopnik in the first place, so I’m really happy to see her Doing The Thing again.

He’s not reaping nearly enough. I’d like him to reap so much, he gets sick of all the reaping.

It wouldn’t be a political post without some ignorant clown pretending both sides are the same.

It’s not. It’s ass kissing. 

Hypocrisy is complaining about anti trump comments and then feeling the need to say no i didn’t vote for him.

“Come cruise in your car and show your devotion to licking the boot!”

That’s what it sounds like to sane people.

can we just shove these Boomer idiots into nursing homes already, please?

Fuck Trump and his MAGAssholes. May they find connecting rods poking through their stupid blocks.


Grow up. 


I love racing, I hate putting people in danger for entertainment.

A tire lasted 35 laps. I don’t care if the drivers ran over every kerb and set them beyond maximum toe settings. Tires in F1 should not deflate from wear. Full stop. It is a safety issue. 

Right, but the only reason why Lewis is where he is is because he is incredibly capable and incredibly hard working and a real legend in the sport, maybe the greatest of all time. Meanwhile, there are mediocre rich white dudes on grid today. Mediocrity being elevated while only exceptionalism for minorities is not an

Its a delicate balance which is why I am erring on the side...doing something is better than nothing but don’t make it over the top?

Liberty is just using this for the positive corporate vibes in what is a culturally widely watched sport but is Euro-centric (and white, and affluent) in its drivers choices. But, Lewis

Prove it. What's that? You can't? That's the entire point. I thought you people needed guns to defend yourself from Obama giving you healthcare? But you should just let people you don't know who can't prove if they're cops or not throw you into unmarked vans or you're hysterical? If your brain was a type of toast, it

Fucking nonsense and utterly incompatible with a nation of laws and freedom. The kids are right, we should defund the police.