
“I doubt they actually care; they’re just whining” may as well be Twitter’s official motto.

Ah but, you see, she needs to breathe through her skin or whatever

Dude, you said “White lives are not a thing” and ““White” is just an imaginary blanket that light skinned people have covered themselves with.”

It never read as intending to be funny to me.

It never read as intending to be funny to me.

Ten year old Bammon Taylor would never believe I’m saying this, but if they never make another SW movie ever again, I’d be quite fine with it if “Original Trilogy 2.0, now with more special effects” is the best they can do.

I am not a passionate partisan on either side, and I agree it’s a little implausible the frog lady would respond as she did, but I definitely laughed each time Baby Yoda either ate an egg or clearly thought about eating an egg. 

My counter to that, as a children’s librarian, is that children’s entertainment is perfectly capable of being coherent and consistent, and has gotten better and better as folks have slowly realized that

It’s also Kathleen Kennedy’s fault for allowing the trilogy plot to be written like an incremental story-go-round instead of as a coherent fully-planned story.

Have you considered that those who like the film are seeing things in it that you’re missing?

The first film was a serviceable return to setup a trilogy, albeit one that mirrored ANH too much at certain moments.

To play the Devil’s Advocate here, there well may be. Disney is notorious for protecting their IPs and should they take offense at a critics review, said critic could well expect to find themselves “out in the cold” as it were regarding advanced views and the like. (For an example, take a look at how the video game

It also only has a 43% RT audience score (for comparison, Rise of Skywalker has an 86%).

I’m okay with bloggers, or anyone, liking TLJ. It’s the continued arrogance that their opinion is right and anyone that thought it was bad it wrong that really grates on me.

Remember they also claimed that The Joker was the most polarizing movie of last year too *eyeroll*

The AV Club has unfortunately reached the point where it is almost an ironic commentary about its own existence - a fan based website populated by writers that seriously loathe fans and who tell them how much they loathe them in almost every article they write. It sort of makes sense that articles that used to get

The offical AV Club party line is that The Last Jedi was an amazing movie that revitalized the Star Wars franchise, and if you didn’t like it you are a sexist CHUD who deserves to rot in your parents’ basement for all eternity.

Welcome to the New World Order, where there’s no such thing as benefit of the doubt. If someone publicly accuses you of something, that’s what you are.

Is it really that questionable to hire Hardwick? Accusations were made, investigated, and apparently didn’t come up with proof to back it up. The accuser kinda backed down as well given she didn’t want to help with the investigation. I mean what do you do at that point? Just decide he’s guilty without any real proof

This one is far deeper into the grey area than you claim, though it’s also not cut-and-dry against you, either.