“Yes, Obama directed his IC and LEO to illegally spy on your campaign but please - No use stolen materials on us, ok?”
You are insinuating she has a belief system of sorts. She doesn’t. She is totally empty except for her greed and envy. She is a non-human entity that values nothing but the prize of more.
Margaret, if you ever want to get a man your flirting needs to be a little more advanced, a little more subtler.
Kamalala doesn’t care about anything beyond increasing her own status and power. She doesn’t believe anything and is an empty vessel of a human, animated by greed and malice only. She is quite a terrible person if you care to do a little looking.
You may have had nearly 1k stars with your reply, but Laser Swords Nightclub had 121 replies on just those two comments in the thread. Everyone knows a reply is worth 10 stars.
Mr. Tucker recently described Stelter as CNN’s “House Eunuch.” I think everyone can appreciate that.
Yeah I know.
Which one?
“Give me a easy date to which think about so I don’t have pay to attention until then checkmate idiot.”
All sorts of stuff, not that you’ll acknowledge any of it. So let’s not waste each other’s time.
Many Mexican police, soldiers, and politicians work for the cartels. This is known. It is likely that the Mexican soldiers that recently disarmed American soldiers on our side of the border were working for the cartels and providing them safe passage. This is bad and yet another reason we need to build the wall a…
It means that the crimes for which Obama will go to jail prove Trump to have not colluded with Russia.
I wonder if the Trump Russia conspiracy theory will survive Obama’s imprisonment.
iPhone is fifty times better. Plus Android catalogs everything and stores it in your permanent file at Google. Then they sell it to whoever wants to buy it.
Pihildehlpia is known for its cheesecake not its Ramen fyi.
Unless they’re charged with homicide a couple thousand times.
And I’m not arguing in favor of the banks. They can be broken up for all I care and maybe should. I’m saying you have a clear line from these executives to death. They created a product that killed, and made sure it was as widely distributed as possible. This could be the precedent needed to go after malevolent…