Acts 3:15

Interesting bible verse choice of screen name.

this is ALL 100% BECAUSE OF CHEAP, AND EASY TO FIND STUDENT DEBT. it’s a vicious cycle...that’s why schools are ridiculously nice...they can charge you whatever they want...bc they know people will just finance it with debt.

Your mom has been around for decades.

This is one of my least favorite of all recurring comments.

The thing that’s really insidious about PEs firms is how much power a small group of fund managers have over the economy. PEs get most of their capital from passive investors (limited parters, or LPs), like pension funds you mentioned. These LPs provide the capital to the PE firms to invest, but don’t take an active

Thousands of people became homeless because they lied about their incomes and lived beyond their means, nobody put a gun to their head. Cry about it more.

I THINK what he's trying to say is that a lot of voters don't have the same ire for banks that they do for the pharma companies that directly turned them into addicts.

And I’m not arguing in favor of the banks.  They can be broken up for all I care and maybe should.  I’m saying you have a clear line from these executives to death.  They created a product that killed, and made sure it was as widely distributed as possible.  This could be the precedent needed to go after malevolent

Your point would be easier to swallow if you weren't attaching personal judgment to it. "very obviously smarter"? See, I read that and anything you've just said is wiped away because you've decided to NEEDLESSLY denigrate me.

I make more than many graduate educated engineers I work with and I just have a BSME... One poor soul had a PhD in material science and made ~20% less than me.

A college education has not always required debt. I got my bachelor’s in 2001, and at that point, if you had a good summer job, you could make enough to pay a year of in-state tuition at a public university. Even then, teachers were required to have a master’s.

A bachelor’s from a public school should not put you in

Its Xerstory, bigot.

Democrats should start impeachment in the House even if it's doomed in the Senate because the political theater will keep Trump in the headlines up to the election and then Trump will lose in a landslide. 

Im sure this SCOTUS took up these cases just to affirm your zhe/zoom/zoinks delusions


Because you can't legally compel people to participate in your "gender identity" fantasy, you psycho.

Trump fund raising is in full swing. He has hit the campaign trail with his message on policy. He has been vindicated by Mueller. He has a strong record to stand on. His outlook is good for re-election.

How about this one: policies which predominantly hurt the people of a country, as opposed to the controlling class or the government, are bad policies no matter who you’re dealing with.