Acts 3:15

I’m guessing no one here actually watched this because if you did you would happily admit that it was really cute and borderline adorable. 

To understand the appeal of fascism you must first understand the most basic problems with democracy.

Why are today’s children deathly allergic to historically common foods? The answer is because vaccines poisoned them.

“Your fact doesn’t apply to everyone so it’s a fallacy.”

That they lost their seats proves their point true. Their constituencies understand that the Democratic Party, at the very best, doesn’t care about them. We all know this is true. Flyover Country is essentially worthless and filled with legacy Americans that will eventually and rightfully disappear. Correct? Exactly.

“Widely known facts are groupthink.”

This is what happens when a man just absolutely refuses to let go of his privilege.

Immigrants from South America and other third-world locales are bringing these diseases. Vaccine Transparency Advocates have nothing to do with it.

He really doesn’t.  Will you please take him off our hands?  He’s so tiresome with his lies, misdirection, and obfuscation.

Wow, that’s high energy. He made some pretty good points too. His biggest, maybe only, flaw was promoting Shapiro and Cernovich. There are much better folks out there like Pewdiepie.

“boring dong” lol

Vicious.  I don’t believe it.

Satire is a form of Fake News and thus illegal.  Reported.

Oh yeah I remember that one.

Agreed.  This is one of the all-time great comments though.


Trump barely inherited anything.

Behavior = Guilt?

Trump enriching the middle class.  Apologize. 

We both know The Wall is being built.