Acts 3:15

Pharma Execs push drugs they know to be extremely addictive and lethal. Thousands of people have died as a result of their decisions.

Wee woo wee woo bipartisanship alert wee woo wee woo.

You’re right.  I meant that it was very obviously a better decision.

Boring adolescence. 

There are 55 million undocumented labor bandits in the US. They all gotta go. They gotta go back.

That’s funny because you would get hit by a car.

What’s funnier is that you’re counting your chickens before they hatch.  Beto is still the front-runner.

Men of Splinter News,

You are entirely correct and thank you for the context.  College should not be so expensive that it puts you deep in debt.  The challenge should not be paying for it.  The challenge should be getting in.  

I think you meant to say that I don’t value education, but that’s not what you said.  Also, I do value education.  I don’t value the securitization of education which is what we have.  People aren’t learning skills nor how to use their brains nor any type of self-dependence.  All the opposite, and being charged like

No, what? No. Recognizing the problem is the first step and we’re getting closer to that. Next, realize that debt forgiveness doesn’t solve any problem but your own. Well Ima do me. I want my problem gone like yesterday. Then you are not part of this discussion. In order to solve the institutional problem you need to

Sir, our problem is that on paper we have an educated populace but in truth we are dumber and less informed than ever.  This is the trick.

I’m sorry, I made it only through your first sentence.

Sorry, but the whole racial division thing was very like 2014 Obama and kind of old and dumb now.

Doesn’t matter who requires it or what their reasons are. As a teacher, you should understand that easy student debt is the reason something like this can be required. Bimbop Timtam from the cornfields can get a masters degree that means just as much as yours does. Then you complain that they hire Bimbop for a cheaper

Are you... are you serious?


Wait... so transes are good but only if they support your politics?  Is this why the left hates Kayne now too?

If you didn’t ask yourself what you were paying for when you took on $200k for a major in protesting and feeling cool then yes, it is absolutely a personal failure.

As a teacher, you should understand that cheap student debt is what allows for an elementary school or whatever to require a masters. If everyone can afford a masters with easy-to-get loans everyone will get them. When everyone has them your price goes down.