Action Johnny

Just rebrand it as “The War on Climate Change” and frame it as liberating third world nations from oppressive totalitarian sea levels. Americans love that shit and will throw any amount of money at it. 

Jesus fucking Christ I’m so tired

Who the fuck cares this is stupid!

There are dozens of drunk trump videos on YouTube and our big wet boy never threw a tantrum this big over it. Calm the fuck down, Nancy. 

Get that black pill out of your damn mouth. There’s plenty of primary left for this goon to shit on extremely popular policies and show his whole ass. 

Lol did you just come out of a fucking coma?

I’d like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam!

Multiple steaming takes from an hours old burner. *chef’s kiss*

Now that’s a play straight out of the Chelsea Clinton playbook. Waving an American flag doesn’t hurt. 

Take your damn star. 

Bratlus Shrugged 

It’s going to be a bestseller because of everyone buying a copy to hate read on every #resistance podcast. 

Ginning up a new war in Iran won’t get a peep from the NYT opinions page but some mild swears will definitely get them in a tizzy. He’s canceled. This time for sure. 

Perhaps the true iron throne was the friends we made along way. 

He went from cocky to cuck. 

This is funny as hell but nowhere near as effective. Spencer was literally punched into obscurity. He went from ascendant alt-right darling to laughingstock in a split second. That gif will outlive him by a century. 

If anyone wants to try this in the US I hear Steve Scalise doesn’t move as quick as he used to.