Action Johnny

Oh thank god the interests of minorities finally intersect with something that you’ll get involved with; bitching and moaning about Bernie Sanders and Splinter.  Can’t wait for this election to be over so you can get back to not being bothered by either you smug prick. 

Vilifying Omar IS how they’re deflecting criticism. Netanyahu’s corruption and whatever fresh hell they’re visiting on Gaza won’t receive any substantial coverage while every pundit with a media platform is going to be howling for her to resign. 

This is how Colin Kaepernik ended up having to defend himself from accusations of “disrespecting the troops” when he asked that cops not kill black people indiscriminately.  This is Grade A deflection. 

I know but kinja wouldn’t let me edit because it is irrevocably fucked. 

If you’re aim is to cater to the appetite of American conservatives then quit fucking around and start an AOC creepshots site. 

Telling a woman to grow up is sexist? Can’t be. Splinter commenters do it to writers all the time so it must be progressive!

And when you point that out they dismiss your comments because they hate being reminded who they’ve sided with.

Again, you’re in agreement with Donald Trump and the goons in his administration. I don’t know why you think you can shame me by some loose associations with random people on kinja when you’re a willing liberal stooge for the neocons trying to overthrow a sovereign nation. 

Being progressive means destabilizing sovereign nations through sanctions and propaganda. The more they descend into violence and chaos afterwards the more progressive you are.

Just don’t. He’s an imbecile. If you back him into a corner he just comes unglued and starts shouting about how he “owned you”. 

They’re not worth fighting because they don’t have a single original thought between them. 

You can either criticize him from the left or repeat wholesale Trump administration propaganda. You’re astroturfing for Elliot Abrams and you’re doing it for free. That makes you either disingenuous or a sucker. My money is on both because you’ve never struck me as particularly intelligent or forthright.

I see our very online centrists wasted no time spewing the same talking points as Pence, Rubio and Bolton but somehow remain unaligned with the administration!

These kids have valid points but you’re not going to get them across by ambushing someone. You have to go through the proper channels to be taken seriously.

Give me Terry Pratchett fans over JK Rowling fans any day. 

I wish people would read another book

I’m not the one carrying water for Donald Fucking Trump you fucking moron. 

“I don’t support intervention, BUT...”

You’re siding with Donald Trump and John Bolton and fighting tooth and nail from that position. I don’t know how you think you’re going to end up factually or morally correct but you’re sadly mistaken. 

The fucking Lima Group? A collection of right wing, US friendly governments that was created for the sole purpose of regime change in Venezuela? The Lima Group wasn’t happy with the election results?