Ninja Robot Pirate

Cancellation is something the network does to a TV show.

But Scott, I hate him.

That’s the thing: I never get the sense that they’re talking about us normies; it’s always a defence of a fellow celebrity who tweeted something racist or a notoriously grope-y co-star.

“But, again, a lot of people have gotten swept up in ‘cancellation’, and I worry about that; it’s unsustainable, in a way,” Ringwald asserts. “Some people have been unfairly canceled and they don’t belong in the same category as somebody like Harvey Weinstein.”

Y’all keep saying this is Adele but I just see yassified Sarah Paulson.

Not even high school: he said “the cool kids from junior high”. He’s salty about people who were popular when he was 12/13!

We seem to be reaching de Armas saturation.

Jane Levy should be a way bigger star and it’s crazy that she hasn’t broken yet.

Yeah, I’ve only seen the remake specifically because I heard it was less gnarly than the original.

He’s aware that his lips are big as hell and purses them either because he thinks it looks better (unhinged if true) or because he’s self-conscious about it. Or maybe he’s just an incredibly awkward person who cannot pose, like how Rami Malek always looks like he stepped on something sharp but is trying to put on a

The scene where Gloria plays over her friend ice skating and falling always gave me goosebumps for some reason.

“He’s a maniac / He just moved in next door / He’ll kill your cat and nail it to the flooris pretty catchy; they were on to something

In the movie, 18-year-old welder Alex Owens

He’s 85; the hips ain’t what they used to be.

In this case it’s less “roast Judy Blume online” and more “See? She’s one of us!”; the journalist is one of the many British weirdos obsessed with hating trans women.

He reportedly kept waggling his eyebrows and saying “What, no one wants to eff Murray Abraham?”

I’m a Practicing Black Person.

Thank you. I’m a Canadian of Jamaican descent and the number of times a white person has condescendingly told me I should know my roots because I can’t say much about my family history is crazy. They get done telling me about their great-great-great grandpa and then ask me about mine, like, he was probably a slave?

Yeah, that’s why he said: