Armando Criscione

It just so happens that “Amid Bottles & Sandals” is also the name of Jimmy Buffett’s 2019 Summer Tour.

I’d like to switch my wake word from “Alexa” to “Rosie” and I make her refer to me as “Mr. J.”

It’s ironic that they gave this platform such a hopeful and promising name: “Vita”... but then saddled it was a terminal disease: “proprietary memory cards."

I should want to cook her a simple meal... but I shouldn’t want to cut into her, to tear the flesh, to wear the flesh, to be born unto new worlds where her flesh becomes my key.

This is some Pulitzer-Ass journalism.

I, too, also had a “wait, is that a good thing?” reaction to that title. In hindsight, I now see that AAA-Ass is more akin to “bad-ass” and not other suffix-usage of “ass” such as “weak-ass.” Regardless, I’m just glad to hear that this game doesn’t suck ass.

So THAT’S how Kraft makes their famous “Liquid Gold.”

This should make for some interesting discussions during the upcoming WH visit.

“So... Donny, how would one, hypothetically speaking of course, make video evidence of an utterly repulsive and vomit-inducing sex act just disappear?”

“...I wonder how many more cottonballs I can hide in my mouth...”

Death is hardly a laughing matter. So, I am commenting here to pay my respects to that joke - it died a horrible death. (Also, SHE wasn’t a true Dodger)

That Steve Irwin one is straight-up wrong.

Why are people getting so Huffy about this this? He’s just Mongoose’d her with his trademark “SCHWINN!” pose.

This is especially true considering how, um...digitally challenged” he is:

This death was a crushing blow to the sport. Truly heartbreaking.

Stephen A. Smith added, “Let’s just hope that Heath Ledger, Amy Winehouse and Chris Farley all get the help they need against the respective battles.”

WOOOO! Fan-FUCKING-tastic!!

Just trying to put out the vibe...

2018, a year in review: “I have a migraine and diarrhea.”

Oh no, I’ll tell you what you did Caligula... You combined Sims and sex in to one disgusting uncontrollable urge!”

Its right there in the quotes: