Armando Criscione

This death was a crushing blow to the sport. Truly heartbreaking.

Stephen A. Smith added, “Let’s just hope that Heath Ledger, Amy Winehouse and Chris Farley all get the help they need against the respective battles.”

WOOOO! Fan-FUCKING-tastic!!

Just trying to put out the vibe...

2018, a year in review: “I have a migraine and diarrhea.”

Oh no, I’ll tell you what you did Caligula... You combined Sims and sex in to one disgusting uncontrollable urge!”

Its right there in the quotes:

“Icy, what you did there!”

-Coach Dreiling to #3


This is a very valid critique of the film, and I did enjoy your recommendations. I just wanted to be one of those comments guys who yells out, “Your list is incomplete and your opinion is wrong!” for once.

What! No “The Searchers”?

I guess my joke BOMBed... 🙄

Seriously, Youth Soccer Programs have been found all around this country and some nutjobs keep waiting for it to explode. The sport is a dud.

AND Twitch user “Noballsyouwill”...

(It was!) 🤫

In the immortal words of Dr. Jake Houseman: When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong.

My apologies. It was tasteless.

His blowjob guidelines might come in handy for him during the next, oh... I don't know, 15-20 years.

This excuse should be used more often in sports:

Fame is a platform. No matter what one is famous for, fame shines a light on that individual. If ESPN does not want us to examine this individual, they should remove their platform. But they know they never will, because making people famous makes ESPN lots and lots and lots of money.