
Just put it together that Roy Moore was the Wooderson that stood in front of the high school hitting on students. Our version of Wooderson in rural Ohio got arrested for statutory rape my senior year and died several years ago of a heroin overdose.

YES! It’s hight time we stick it to these corporations that won’t make a stand for child molestation, keep up the good fight fellow Hannityites. #hannityforpedos #moorepedosunite We won’t rest until we’re not marginalized anymore where we can go into a high school and take a 9th grader out on a lunch date! Why should

Liberals are offended by this video of a Keurig being thrown off of a building.

You know what liberals REALLY hate? Money. It’s why communists give as much to the government as possible.
I walked up to one once and stuffed their pockets full of $100 notes - the look on their face was priceless.

I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life. Take THAT Liberals. Is that how it works, I have no idea what’s going on here. I love the “Piss off a Liberal” theme. That explains all of Right Wing thought. It’s not about guns, or refugees or climate change. Tell them it offends Liberals and that’s all they need. Would

Could we just make everyone take the same citizenship tests we make immigrants applying for citizenship take?

Dear Sean,

The cognitive dissonance formed in a conservative brain when a black person wants to legally purchase a gun must be horribly uncomfortable for them. They would not be able to reconcile it:

The NRA should be up in arms about this!!

Message for Conservatives: Liberals hate it when people commit suicide. They hate it so, so bad. The best way to make a liberal mad is to kill yourself.

Liberals are offended by this video of a Keurig being thrown off of a building.

Here, Collin Rugg, let me fix this for you...

Yes, you shitty reenactment of the Office Space copier scene with your expensive Keurigs totally gets under Liberals’ thin skins. Please DO NOT stop!

If you want to make their tiny brains seize up, tell them that not using Keurig is great for the environment because of the billions of those shitty little (recyclable, but non-reusable and non-compostable) plastic cups that are unnecessarily manufactured.

I want to smash my Keurig to get back at Keurig, but the assholes at my office would just buy another one.

“Conservative Republicans continue to reinforce all of the stereotypes about them”

Now, now. I don’t think it’s fair to tar this entire class of people as “idiots.” Clearly these are fucking idiots.

Love that post “Y’all seein’ racism where there is none...

Might sell to someone else? You can go to any gun show or get on Craigslist and buy any gun you want. Or order online and have it shipped to your house, without dealing with a single human. This guy is full of it. “I can’t sell to you because I think you might break the law.” Doesn’t seem to stop them when mentally