How a near score became an ugly “turnover”: the Herr Starr story
How a near score became an ugly “turnover”: the Herr Starr story
If this is what it takes to get HamNo off his lazy ass and write a “Jaguars Junction” I’m all for it.
He is negotiating with the fyi network for NHL games right now 🙄
I actually wrote about that this last weekend.
I almost wavered. Almost. Buying .hack instead and renting Star Wars
I know Overwatch has been the site’s punching bag recently when it comes to microtransactions, but holy shit, how does a game company fuck up their $60 shooter with extra microtransactions this fucking badly when Overwatch exists as a hilariously obvious example of how to do it right?
It’s silly to buy a Star Wars game to play as Star Wars characters?
dead game. wont buy.
Grinding for 40 hours just to play main characters that were free to use immediately in biggie right? It’s not about ALL characters, it’s about ANY of them.
I’ve said it before. This game can fuck itself right up the ass. :3
Except that this is gating entire characters, not skins. Imagine how pissed everyone would be if you had to play ~40 hours to gain enough credits to buy Mercy and other popular characters in Overwatch, all while Blizzard advertised in-game currency.
Skins in Overwatch are literally only cosmetic, though, i.e., they don’t give anyone any advantages, like collecting hats IRL.
Except OW doesn’t lock Tracer or Reaper behind a loot crate.
Engage with the work in good faith. I spoke with Chad and Jared Moldenhauer recently for this site and asked about this very thing because I perceived it as well, although not nearly as keenly due to less historical knowledge. I don’t doubt the honesty of their answer but Yussef’s point stands: even if you try hard as…
Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.
That first guy is everything I hated about modern gaming.
Killing the player in what they believe is the game ending is the worst best thing.
Staging something in this game would take skills not even gods possess.
Ultimately, the console is supposed to be designed for people that want the most power to play their games, but their thin library is what holds up people from really embracing the console. It looks worse when they let good IPs like Sunset Overdrive walk away and cancel anticipated games like Scalebound. As much as I…