That’s assuming he wants to redeem himself to his inmates.
That’s assuming he wants to redeem himself to his inmates.
I would fill my pants with shit if the Packers signed Kaepernick. The guy who torched us in the worst playoff loss Lambeau’s ever seen??? YES PLEASE
They don’t want the “distraction” that comes with Kap. You gotta be focused when losing games.
You’re 100% correct. I just never thought I’d witness a situation where so many football teams were so terrified of alienating the racist snowflake portion of their fanbases.
Kaepernick doesn’t know the playbook? Who cares? Tom Savage, we can assume, knows the playbook well and he was terrible against the damn Colts!
Never mind the fans: if they signed Kap, McNair would probably have a stroke.
“Ok guys, new plan. We’re going to sew different parts of Tom, TJ, and Matt together into one Frankenstein’s monster of bad QBing”
Throw deep to Will Fuller who blew by two dudes or throw deep to Hopkins who will jump over two dudes. If neither are viable, run. Boom, offense solved. I will be submitting my resume for offensive coordinator of the Texans shortly.
It probably won’t learn to conquer the world. Just Rainbow Road.
As I watched this, all I could think of was seeing something like it again in 10-15 years with the headline…
If rookies need to be INSANELY BUTT to be on the list, where is Donald Trump?
Too early. I think a rookie has to be, like, insanely butt, with no possible injuries explaining it, to make this list.
I don’t feel that way about the NBA at all.
(beaten out by single screenshot of guy puking at marathon)
“Yes, Mr. Pulitzer? I’ve got an article you’re gonna want to read.”
I wanted to disagree about Willie, thinking that he was about 21-22, a young big who finally is getting his chance with DeMarcus gone. Then I realized he’s already 24. Oops.
Six of your Butt-22 are on the Chicago Bulls.
Let’s forget some guys