
It’s just not the same without LeVar Burton. 

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“When we find ourselves believing that killing a man makes us more of a man, but loving a man makes us less of a man, it’s probably time to re-examine our criteria for manhood.” —Jay Smooth

“You can try movin on all you want. He’s gonna find yah. Back in 83', Olivia and I packed up Peyton and Coop, in the middle of the night, and hightailed it up to Minneapolis. 9 days later, we are awoken by a horrible shriek downstairs. I kid you not, we find Eli stuck, one arm and one leg through the doggie door,

Barry, can you reduce your argument to a character or plot development from the 1990 film, Goodfellas? This is the only way I can understand football.

...and there’s a difference between that and obscenity. If Akima LLC wants to fire her for being openly and publicly rude to their employer, they can say exactly that rather than hiding behind an inconsistently applied obscenity clause.

I hope so. I am, exactly like her, a real American and I love her. Let this become the new typical.

That has nothing to do with obscenity. If Akima LLC wants to enforce ass-kissing as a condition of employment, they can put it on the HR material.

She and the Twitter tech who deleted Trump’s account should team up and solve crimes around quirky small-town America.

What he doesn’t realize is that the playoffs are the iceberg.

That quote.....I’m disgusted that’s how people think.

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He used the criminals break the law as the reason not to restrict guns, what other laws should that apply to? You’re a genuine fuckung idiot, I really hope you get shot

After 26 people were dead, at what number do we deem the gun unacceptable? Why do we stop at owning semi automatics, why can’t I legally buy an RPG?

That is the first thing that pops in my mind when that particular argument is deployed. Well I guess all the rest of our laws are useless as well.

Yeah, it kind of makes you wonder what the hell they pay that guy for.

Also, let’s just prempetively kill the “he was dishonorably discharged so he shouldn’t have a gun so gun control would be pointless libtards” nonsense they’re already cooking up.

This “good guy with a gun” narrative is so thoroughly disproven it’s essentially pointless to contradict them. It’s a cultish devotion to narrative. It’s purely emotional. Police, first responders, even former military consistently talk about how much random civilians with guns can complicate the situation or even

These fucks and their “If we outlaw guns, the bad guys get them anyway” bullshit.

Outlawing murder doesn’t seem to work to stop people from killing each other. I guess we can just disband the Texas Attorney General’s office since laws aren’t 100% effective.