
If your response is that the NBA should not get involved in LGBT issues with the All-Star Game:

Some people, when they are deeply concerned, start to cry. I’d hate to see that.

Ask the experts if a fridge full of beer is a bad thing

... And you will know us by the trail of bread.

With any luck, there’ll be another blue wave this election cycle. It’s a Presidential Election, so we’ll get all those college students, and we won’t be voting for someone from Purdue’s camp.

Worst Place to Urinate Outside:

“Hey, great win out there.”

Fair to who? Parents who love their children do not allow them to go to Notre Dame.

OK, I’m middle-aged (47) and I’ve noticed I’m no longer quite in the loop on pop culture.

My wife would do this sleeper burn on people in the 90's. When Usual Suspects first came out, if she got into fights with people or if they were being assholes she would just blurt out without context: “Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze!” And the person would just become confused. Then a few days or weeks or even months

Meh... Address on the website gives Waterloo so I guess we're both wrong. Yes, my dad would have looked that up to prove me wrong, and yes I would have wanted to punch his face for doing that.

I do like that just now when he “”””endorsed”””” Cruz, he still dropped a nice little truth bomb:

It’s not my fault that you’re too lazy to read.

I don’t want to go off on a rant here, but

Because when I think of political forces, I think of guys who have no new ideas, don’t do their job, can’t speak in public, burned all the bridges he used to get there, and can’t debate.

The Cuban-American Dan Quayle.

The most hilarious scenario is Republicans stop the nomination of a new Justice, Hilary wins and nominates Obama.
I’m pretty sure I’d die laughing.

Zika Field.