
I’ll thank your dad, but IIRC that’s not enough to enter the club.

Hunt’s, not Heinz. Heinz sounds too ethnicky.

It was the only one I could think of.

Damn, you corrected me and made western NY look worse. Excellent work!

Pittsburgh has its problems as a city, but it’s been making a comeback for the past decade as a tech center. (The areas outside the city, however, are sense-defying shitholes unworthy of any modicum of love.)

Yep. When Drew was hospitalized, the story made it to the top of my news feed. Which is still odd, when stories from CNN and the NYT usually eclipse sports news on it regularly.


What pisses me off about it is how prescient it was.

Well, sheeyit. That is

Weirdest experience for me was being on a flight with decent music. For some reason, American Airlines had an alternative rock channel that had both Wilco and the Fall in its rotation.

The “dago” slur was around in the 1980s. I remember those charming books of jokes in my junior high years: “Did you hear about the new Italian high-performance tires? Dago through rain, dago through snow...”

Cool. Must have. Thank you!!!

Um, the Japanese were playing baseball long before WW2. Babe Ruth was virtually a god over there in (and slightly after) his day.

I’m white as the driven snow, and I think I managed to do something completely unwittingly just the other week.

Fuck this whole stupid fucking season.

Just wait for good old Old Age. I’ve been to 1 wedding in the past 5 years. The only other one I’m planning on attending is my kid’s... maybe in about 15 years.

“AVENGE ME!” - Staley

What? No Mike Tomlin??

Stink fishpot mango noodle heh HEH hrrrrhhh...

So, other than the middle finger and the naughty hash tags...what?