
The take on Gawker really does put it in a whole new light. The poster says if she had had a miscarriage, the time lost to filming would have been covered by the production's insurance. This would be the sort of unforeseen medical event that such insurance was made for - your star has a miscarriage and needs time to

1st thing that comes to mind

I happily call myself a gamer (despite that most people look down on you for it, but oh well, I'm not interested in judgmental people like that anyway.) and I've been into games for 24 years, between my ex and my current partner (both of whom are also gamers^^) I'm the parent of 5 kids.

For me, there was such joy and such relief in discovering that there is no god, no afterlife, that we're all just little animals trying to make it in this big, confusing world and that's all there is. There's no final judgment, just a finite life. I was thirty years old when I let go of religion, and it made me a

Alternate theory: it's harder to be charismatic and entertaining with strangers and morons (McCarthy: I'm looking at you) when you're sober(ish).

I'm the life of the party if I've tied one on. When it's a dry work event? Not. So. Much.

He died last year of old age.

I just can't get over how stupid she is. She should use the show to show the world that she is responsible, she will show up on time and be a good worker. Instead, she sleeps until 4 in the afternoon, she cancels on people at the last minute and she is perpetually late. Her utter disregard for the people around her

I started out wanting to care about her, because I'm a sucker for a good second chance story and there is some talent hidden in there. But she's lost me now, completely, and that makes me sad.

One of my best friends straddles the line between Republican and Libertarian, while I swing just about as left as you can get. My point in saying this? His political beliefs haven't mattered whatsoever in his ability to be an incredible friend to me, just as Kathie Lee's don't mean a thing to being a host on a

Marine Todd to the rescue!

I guess I'm a bit biased, being Irish myself. I have something of an inferiority complex when it comes to how awesome Iceland looks in every photo ever taken there.

First of all, I'll take any excuse to go to Ireland. It's so damn beautiful and the two times I've gone, everyone has been incredibly fucking friendly.

Ever been to Ireland? It's fantastically pretty.

Is there a snarky tone to this article? Why don't you like Ireland? We're friendly and make Game of Thrones. BOOM!

Should we also have security cameras in every building and home? You know, to solve crimes. I'm a pretty liberal person who generally supports government (and whose DNA is actually on government file thx to service), but I could never, ever support such a thing.

So... I'll just throw it out there: firstly, I don't think this really addresses the issues with rape kits being untouched (that's bureaucratic bullshit at work), and I also think this is a gross abuse of state authority in a criminal investigation.

Penis = potential rapist. Where we go from there is every penis owner in the country gives a DNA sample so that all crimes where semen is left behind can be solved. The next step is everybody, not just penis owners, have to register a hair sample so that crimes can be solved where hair is left behind.

Wake me when she does something shocking and out of character.

It might be time to give up on Lindsay. At this point, any help provided her is just enabling her toxic lifestyle.