
Maybe she realized the tatt was tacky? Wait. No. C'MON JEZ! Don't you have a spare 10K laying around so we can get to the bottom of this??

We can come up with all kinds of theories absurd or real. And, yes, those theories can be entertaining as hell. But there was nothing Jay-Z could have said to justify Solange physically attacking him like that. Physical violence when not defending oneself is never the right answer. And I think Solange is very

I can't wait to see how you cover the next instance of a male celebrity mercilessly attacking a female. I'm sure you'll spend a few posts over a few days wondering idly what his motivation for the attack will have been.

Bullshit. That's just BULLSHIT. The idea that you or anyone would advocate the arrest of anyone based on an anonymous list is some fascist dystopian nonsense and you should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing.

Honestly? You're being completely ridiculous.

I'm thinking it was a slow day and Jez needed click bait.

Exactly. I think this article was pulled out the air. British people say funny words aren't you guys adorable but we mock because we love you and we don't know what else to say to you ... part xxxxviiiiiiiiiii. Et al.

Yeah, I mean, I call them actors/actresses/talent/etc. instead of *whatever* stars, but I use the term film MUCH more than movie. Because I went to film school. Where I learned about films. And film theory. And film criticism. It's a perfectly valid and normal term.

I'm not sure. Seems like a pretty normal way of referring to a celebrity in the film industry to me.

Since never, and that's not just my personal opinion, judging by others' observations in the comments section.

"Do people really talk/write like this?"

Yes, people really do use the word "film." In America too!

I'm going to gather you have spent a good part of the afternoon sending out resumes? :)

If you are married to the guy that reveals paternity tests to crazy people for a living, I feel like you have to be fun. And I guilt watch Maury sometimes and love it.

This doesn't have anything to do with the age of consent (which is already 17 in most states, including Texas, and 16 in some others). This has to do with teachers breaking the law and abusing positions of power.


Oh, ack, as a former Catholic, (but still Christian,) I wish I had more than one star to give you for this post. Beautifully done, sir/or madam.

I think a lot of the Gawker comments might have more to do with her saying she is a sex educator but wasn't using birth control. She did come across as flippant and uneducated about something she supposedly teaches to others.

I'm re-posting a comment I made above, because I genuinely want opinions on it: