God I feel sorry for that poor kid. What a fucked up childhood it will have.
God I feel sorry for that poor kid. What a fucked up childhood it will have.
Yeah, me too. I've used the term myself on many occasions. It isn't like "film" is some rare word nobody uses or something. I feel like it's just a bad attempt to find a reason to mock her.
Since when is "film stars" an odd term?
Ugh, Hollywood, get some new ideas.
From what I saw most of the comments were looking down on her because she identified herself as a "sex educator" but admitted she used no protection whatsoever.
I am 100% pro-choice, and generally I find that things like this are none of my business. I respect her decision to do what she thought was best for her and have no problem with her having an abortion or filming it. However, I think it's interesting that you chose not to include her preamble that she did not protect…
Wow. One would think he might have learned SOME lesson, or at least keep his head down, yet instead he continues to be a human shitstain from afar. This guy is the human embodiment of the narcissism that seems to envelope the Catholic hierarchy.
Quick question - is Michelle Obama insanely tall? Every time I see an image of her she looks like she's towering over everyone. I know she wears heels often but even taking that into consideration she still seems taller than most...
To be fair to Fox News (can't believe I just typed that), they really are just hooking onto a trend of stories about this so-called "issue" that have been popping up in recent weeks and months - I know I read a similar article from a more reputable source within the past couple of weeks but I can't for the life of me…
Oh man this was hilarious. Now even I want to know who the FUCK Tia is.
I know, you are right, bad habits die hard.
This sounds like a non-Halloween version of Hell House. Gotta love any educational theory that follows the lines of "do what we say or you will die!"
Jeff was a fuckhat who abused his wife on a daily basis, then one day put her in the hospital and skipped off to work like nothing happened.
I completely missed that very astute point, well done. You've broken it down better than I did.
Uh, what? Are you trying to point out some nonexistent contradiction to further your lack of point?
Actually, it isn't an opinion at all. It's how the medical industry views it. Has nothing to do with being a progressive of a feminist, but thanks for dropping by to display your particular brand of ignorance in the name of 'conservatism' or whatever.
Well that's the problem - people like you viewing it incorrectly and spreading falsities as a result.