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    Uh, no, because that isn't legal. It appears you don't get it.

    So to promote this one can just donate to the ACLU? And can we get this on TV against some of the worst offenders? This needs to be plastered every-fucking-where until the midterms, and I'll put up all the money I can to make it happen.

    Ok, I'll bite. The woman has to bear every physical aspect of pregnancy, on top of her emotions. The man does not, his input is purely emotional. While in a perfect world a father's opinion will hold weight, the woman, as carrier, is the one most directly affected and will be the only one receiving medical care.

    Not sad at all. Sometimes people find connections through something that others may not understand. Since both Love and Cobain were pretty much social rejects in their youth, I can see them feeling bound by their "misfit" lives. The fact that he kept the note on him says a lot about how he felt about her, no matter

    Because the cheesesteak wasn't filled with enough cheese and meat and cheese and bread?

    Not at all surprised Courtney Love wrote that note, she's always been one to self-deprecate to the most extreme levels. I recall one interview where she referred to her teenaged self as "fat and zitty."

    Hater. But still funny.

    For some reason the book Needful Things comes to mind. Except these patrons will be spending a lot more money to willingly hand over their souls.

    I actually thought his Beyonce critiques are just proxy attacks on black people as a whole because he is a racist old coot.

    I don't understand why these people want to run for office in this country so badly when they clearly hate everyone in it?

    Something tells me that crack joke is going to come back to bite Bieber in the ass soon enough, given the way he's handling his own career.

    I first read this title as "Always Adorable". Need more coffee.

    This is awesome: I love Paris and will take any excuse to stare longingly at pictures and wish I was there...

    Well we already know they have highly addictive personalities. That's why they hoard all those nuts.

    Holy shit I just spit my drink all over my keyboard. This is when I wish COTD was still a thing.

    I love squirrels, they are so weird. They all react like they're constantly drinking too much coffee. I've never seen a mellow squirrel.

    I don't know that I have ever heard a more on-point description of reality TV than this right here.

    His poor girlfriend, I can't imagine the survivor's guilt she must be feeling on top of already losing her boyfriend.

    Aw I kind of feel sorry for Renee Baio. She's obviously not too smart, at least not smart enough to understand the idea that deflecting blame isn't a defense. It must suck to be so cluelessly stupid (and married to Scott Baio on top of that, though that may be a direct result of being cluelessly stupid).