I know, I know! But it's so hard when it's so easily shot down.
If that were truly the case, wouldn't the boycott would have started prior to the recent adoption of Sharia law?
Ack quit feeding the trolls. If you need something to do, play ballz 3d.
I just went from liking Seth Rogen to loving Seth Rogen. Well done.
Jesus had a ton of friends.
I believe that there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape.
John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.
Women don't willy-nilly decide that having a baby is "too much work." It's not a simple decision. It's a very difficult, emotional decision. And I resent that you think women are that careless.
I know I'm fucking myself in the ass right now by replying to you but the first part of your hypothetical statement is what's wrong: "Man and Woman decide to have a child." A couple that truly choose to have a baby aren't going to abort it unless there is a serious issue with the health of the baby or the mother while…
I don't want to encourage le troll but I do want to take apart his scenario.
When people talk to these folks that push the purity agenda about their targeting of primarily young women/girls, what do they say when asked about why isn't purity pushed as hard at young men/boys?
It's fairly obvious: while you reserve the right not to have the government legislate on what you're allowed to do with your internal organs (so that others may live), simultaneously you expect the government to mandate how women use their reproductive and other organs, and indeed criminalize women for exercising…
No. You aren't. Making really inflammatory, outrageous statements. You're being a jerk for the sake of being argumentative and it's pathetic.
Here I'll mansplain it for you friend.
I assumed that she had written it and thought it was a sentimental private joke when it first came out. Is it sad that I find the whole thing sweet?
You have got to be kidding with the 'insufficient funding' theory of teacher bomb threats.
But that would be racist. And as we all know, liberals all the real racists. What with the constant attempts to talk about race, and getting upset when people use racial slurs. Checkmate libtards!