Acid Rapper

Khabib should not have jumped over the cage to attack Conor’s BJJ guy who was spouting verbal garbage at him throughout his big moment. He should indeed be penalized.

I haven’t seen anyone justify Khabib’s actions.  What I do see is a lot of people wanting Dana and the UFC to admit that they did spur this on.  They sat idly by and let Connor say vile things all because it sold PPVs.  Now the ramifications of letting Connor run wild and using his words in their marketing campaign

Connor and White seemed to be the only ones not picking up on the fact that Khabib was not fucking playing. Connor comes out like a cartoon villain, insulting Khabib’s family, manager, culture and religion, he throws a fake fucking kick at the weigh in and Khabib does nothing. Because you know where he’s from it’s not

“What he should have done was walk over, pick Conor up and say some great things to one of other. Whatever you think of Conor, at least respect the guy.”

I watched the fight with some McGregor fans and they were like, “he should be DQ’d!” Like despite their dude losing in horrendous fashion, they’d still take the W if it came from a post fight incident.

Dude seriously. You let one person control your organization the way the UFC let McGregor do, and you reap what you fucking sow. The Islamophobia shit was so disgusting that any other mature organization pulls him immediately. But the UFC let McGregor get bigger than itself. But that’s also because Dana White is a

​Conor fans are so delusional. They watched their guy lose four rounds and tap out, yet want Khabib stripped. They are pretending like there’s no history of teams fighting teams in and around the octagon after fights; are totally ignoring Conor’s actions at UFC 223, and his taking the islamophobia to 11 when

Connor has jumped into an octagon post fight, assaulted a referee, attacked people on a bus and ufc did ABSOLUTELY nothing to punish him. So why Khabib? FUCK THAT SHIT.

...And I agree? I’m not defending Khabib’s or his entourages actions here. Also let’s not pretend what Conor did was only words or the levels he went to was just normal pre-fight trashtalk and thus okay.

Conor threw a dolly at a bus that got glass in the eye of Ray Borg, injured Michael Chiesa, and continues to traumatize Rose Namajunas. “He didn’t deserve to get jumped and attacked after the fight was over”? I mean, it seems like he absolutely deserves that kind of treatment.

They literally used the bus incident to promote this fight. They encouraged escalation on a personal level and outside the octagon every step of the way. They reap what they sow.

To be clear, to those with no experience of Khabib before this, this is not how he normally acts after fights. He is usually incredibly chill after them, so this is pretty clearly due to the escalation during the fight promotion and McGregor’s type of trash talk finally reaching a logical conclusion. I mean Khabib and

This explains SO MUCH about the little shit fit you had on The Root the other day. You’re a fucking white dude! I mean, it was obvious, but no wonder you’re such a dipshit. Oh woe is you, put-upon white male ally. Your life of failing upwards will continue without delay, yet *you’re* the one who’s truly suffering. I

i can’t roll my eyes hard enough at this whiny ass bullshit.

This is some weak ass bullshit. The Democrats had no power. We’ve known since Kennedy retired that this was a losing battle, but it was a battle that the Democrats had to fight. They mounted as effective a campaign against Kavanaugh as could be made, and they lost, which was absolutely to be expected. This loss was

Fuck Joe Manchin. So much so that I think Democrats in WV should kick his ass out of office. Let the fucking Republican win, how much worse can he really be?

That book IS fiction. I can tell immediately by looking at its cover... The only things HE is ever dunking are his happy-meal chicken nuggets in ketchup.

If Republicans truly feel that such testimony from a lone witness—which is, by definition, uncorroborated—is never sufficient to pass judgment on someone

Fair point, but also worth pointing out the reason there is only one witness is because Republicans structured the hearing that way. 

Conversely, police officers are acquitted of murder all the time, despite there being multiple witnesses.