Too early for the pants, I believe we’re still years away from Walt entering the picture. Plus they already dropped that easter egg in Ozymandias.
Too early for the pants, I believe we’re still years away from Walt entering the picture. Plus they already dropped that easter egg in Ozymandias.
This episode was like a mix of 4 Days Out and Dead Freight. If you see a tarantula in the Vince Gilligan world, bad things are going to happen.
I’m pretty sure your pic for HELL OR HIGH WATER is actually SLOW WEST.
No. Gus has worked very hard to separate his legitimate and criminal businesses, and he would never let his anger threaten that separation.
Yeah... A statement like “The green chiles in the green chili in New Mexico and Colorado have a much milder flavor, but can still pack a bit of a kick” suggests a lot of scope left for exploring the varieties of green chile. Some are slightly hotter than a bell pepper; others are treated with respect even by the…
I visited this pistachio farm the last time I was in New Mexico.
I’ll have to try making this, but you’re not going to convince me to use anything but Hatch Green Chiles in it :-P
Years ago, I took a vacation in New Mexico. I had no clue how much I would love the place, and how good the food would be. Green chili just makes me happy.
What is “paying for it”?
Did something happen to the Waynes that involved a gun? I feel like this hasn’t really been addressed in any of the comics, movies, cartoons, or TV shows.
This was indeed soul-crushingly sad if you look at it from Janet’s perspective. She evolves the ability to love and be loved only to see her loved ones, one by one, venture into an unknowable next stage where she can never follow. All credit to Carden, who was wonderful in this episode, but that thought leaves me way…
In my head canon, the real Elliot Alderson looks like Rami Malek but with the Freddie Mercury mustache
Is that sarcasm? Most of us love Star Wars despite the iffy writing, not because if it.
I am a non-critic regular person who was around when the original trilogy was in theaters and who enjoyed TLJ. I remember young Luke Skywalker being extremely whiny, and it makes complete sense that he’d turn into a disgruntled old hermit. It confuses me that more people don’t see it that way.
They goddamn better.
Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.
The blurb up top makes it clear what happened. “The AV Club” is a collection of individuals. Some of them thought the film was pretty good, but enough of them really hated it that it made the list. And now the comment section is going to be dominated by 20-something white guys crying about it.
The New Mexico wilderness is actually that beautiful, I would be surprised if they used any CG.