Aye, those buttons and button placement are very reminiscent of a 2001 Corolla.
Aye, those buttons and button placement are very reminiscent of a 2001 Corolla.
There's only like 3 cars in this that were in Forza 4.
Absolutely fascinating! I had no idea these things existed outside of the movies.
This is GENIUS.
Do you not understand how large numbers work? I have a feeling the author of this piece wanders into a grocery store, opens up a carton of eggs and goes "Man, there must be millions of eggs in there, I can't even count them all. It's uncountable."
Indeed, the Accord was considered "sporty" compared to anything equivalent America had to offer.
I wanted to suggest the Viper, but then I saw over 150+ replies and said "ahh, fuck it."
There are a lot more ads than there need to be. U.S. TV sucks. And this is coming from someone who has cable.
As a man who finds this lady attractive, I find this whole ordeal... creepy and distasteful. Yeah, she's attractive, but there's plenty of attractive women all around the world to look at.
Yeah, even on the Acurazine forums for my car people refer it it as having a "4x4 look". I can stick my whole forearm in between the wheel and fender. :(
I'm thinking you could use a client like Hamachi to set up a "network" across the internet.
Agreed, these things suck, big time. There seems to be no preventing them. They just kinda come and go.
I used to suffer from these frequently, also during college. I'd have to clean them out about every week. Eventually they stopped showing up, mostly. I'm wondering if diet has anything to do with it. Every now and then I get a little bit. The worst part is the smell, and that you can feel them on your tongue…
Blatantly refusing to acknowledge that the car did it first, even unofficially is the issue though.
Just wanted to add that I am stupid and said Guinness, it's actually the FIA as someone has pointed out.
It doesn't "hold the record" because one single "authority" on world records says it doesn't. That doesn't mean it wasn't the first. Are you suggesting the Unitest States Edwards Air Force Base's measurement of 731.9 mph was inaccurate?