All Motor Is Best Motor

Yep, because revving the engine nets you 50 more horsepower.

How do I downvote a comment?

This car is sick and I’m so glad you posted about this because I never knew about it until now. Based on my 2 minutes of googling, it’s very dubious that this was an actual GT2. According to a Speedhunters article on the car, the owner at the time, Jon Kaneda, said this was “actually a 1996 European version

Kristen, your photos for this piece are great.

^This is a high quality comment.

This car is easily one of the best looking cars of all time. I’ll die on this hill.

Absolutely. If I had to choose between my heated steering wheel and every one of those other options combined, I’d take my heated steering wheel without hesitation.

I live in Minnesota and let me tell you, I’ll take my heated steering wheel above all those other options combined.

Actually it’s a heated steering wheel. As someone who lives in Minnesota and uses heated seats every day when it’s cold, my heated steering wheel easily takes the number 1 spot. It doesn’t take long for your body to warm up cold leather seats to a point where it’s not unbearable. A steering wheel, however, you’ll

What’s fascinating is that they practically couldn’t even give away the Daytonas afterwards. Nobody wanted anything to do with them. And now they’re worth millions. I always thought these cars are incredible to look at.  Especially that back end.

The Mustange.

I owned a 2001 CL Type-S since new from February of 2000, and just sold it this January. Great car except for the automatic transmission, steering, and seating position. I did not abuse my car and I ended up having the trans replaced twice, once under warranty when Honda/Acura put out a recall and inspection for all

Saw one of these at the Twin Cities auto show back when this thing came out. Undeniably gorgeous and super cool in person, but I was surprised with how cheaply put together some of the parts looked. The areas around the headlights in particular looked like they were held in with plastic rivets or something. Definitely

Edit to my first post:

Why’s it have such a terrible name? That’s worse than the Buick Lucerne.

I completely agree with this. Also, TG became more about the silly adventure challenges which were fun when sprinkled in, but when they’re every episode it gets old really fast. Plus, the three guys became cartoon caricatures of the personas they developed over their time in the show, to a point where I found it too

I hear mostly tremendous microphone clipping, honestly.

The governing bodies of these racing series need to stop dicking around with the tires. Remember the raw egg F1 tires? You’re not going to make the racing interesting by having all the drivers on tissue paper tires. It’s dangerous and ridiculous. Nobody should have to worry about a random tire failure in a racing

I was about to get mad about this comment until I read further.