That's fucking badass.
I just commented on the YouTube video of his explaining that he should install some dumpers so he can have this sound on demand whenever. He said he's actually considering it, but is concerned with going back to stock when it's time to sell.
Man, that thing sounds amazing! But as you said it isn't too surprising since it's at heart the same V8 found in the Noble M600. Here's some better audio and video of the M600 if anyone's interested:
Yeah but it isn't a real Jaguar.
I had no idea jamming technology was this advanced. Really fascinating stuff. Thanks for the read!
I think the real story here is, when did he sign a deal with Ferrari?
Sorry, but the rewind feature in Forza lets me enjoy the games way more than if they weren't there. And nobody is forced to use it. Every game should have this feature. Besides, you can't use it in multiplayer so it doesn't affect that at all.
AMD has worked hard to improve their frame pacing lately. Its still behind Nvidia but at much more acceptable levels.
Can't you still track the car though?
I loled really hard, thankyou.
Sad and gruesome.
It might just be a matter of them not checking, or checking well enough. I know sometimes the search feature on doesn't always find you the article you're looking for, even when you definitely are using keywords found in the article title. As a matter of fact, when I searched my own profile for "burnout" and "Ford…
Heh, I'd hardly call 94 people "everyone", but thanks. :)
I already posted this on Opposite Lock on Saturday.
God, that thing sounds GOOD.
Where: Nurburgring.