One of my friends says the same thing.
One of my friends says the same thing.
What? I think you're confused. I'm saying Putin is a scumbag. I'm sure all the people in Ukraine just want to be left the fuck alone and get on with their lives just like everyone else. They never asked for what's happening.
We've done nothing like what Putin is attempting and has done.
Why are we still gleefully glory-izing Putin like this? Even if it's satire, this is still spotlighting him in a more positive tone. ATM he's douche of the century.
I think it just came out too soon after BF2. People were still playing a ton of BF2 and then suddenly here's another BF game? A lot of people thought it was a cheap hack job or something. I'll bet if Dice had waited another year (or two, BF2 was going strong for many, many years) things would have been different. …
I'm glad I'm not the only person who holds 2142 in such high regard. IMO it's the best Battlefield ever made. BF2 may have had somewhat better maps, but 2142 had the best and most fun gameplay. And I agree, Northern Strike was awesome.
Mr. Rogoway, your blog has quickly become one of my favorite parts of the entire Gawker Empire.
Of course it isn't a competition, but it's human nature to compare oneself to others. I have to ask, how have you become so well informed and connected within the world of the McLaren F1? You are very well informed on such matters. I imagine you must frequent a number of forums where owners or others in the know…
I think you're the only bigger McLaren F1 fanatic on Jalopnik than I am.
I don't understand how the door came open in the first place.
It was being held by the passenger.
I don't really have a newsletter, just a favorites list of videos on Youtube.
Probably less than a Veyron.
Sorry, but this isn't a very good quality video in terms of audio. Here's a much better one.
I actually don't like the looks of this thing. The rear end is awful, IMO and I think as a whole the V12 Vantage is a much better looking car.
Correction: "shaken, not shtirred."
Awesome writeup!