ToS don’t overrule basic consumer rights. “They don’t get to have rights because I don’t like them” is not rational. Seek help.
or they accrued 7000+ steel in their accounts for the purpose of buying something they liked when/if they found it. “Hey cool, I like this brand new emote, I’ll spend my saved up steel on it!”
my PUBG stories that start with “I was given a gift from the gods...” always end in “... and then I was killed immediately after, before even getting a chance to use it.”
it takes a hell of a lot more time to accrue 7000 steel than an hour’s worth of time...
oh yeah for sure, I don’t have any issues with the change and from the update it sounds like they did refund players who managed to buy it in the few hours it was available so there’s really nothing to complain about.
after 6+ years or after 6+ hours?
sure I agree with you on that, but I think there’s some merit in the complaint in that part of this game’s economy is to sell emotes and other cosmetics to players for either sunk time or for real money... If you saved up and bought an item you thought was really cool and worth the effort/cost only to have that item…
Papa John’s sells chicken tendies?
but in other MMORPGs you can sell play the previous endgame content. You didn’t have to buy Burning Crusade to continue to run Naxx, Blackwing Lair, Ony, and Molten Core. Sure, elite raiding guilds might have had the requirement to own all the latest and greatest to have access to the new best gear, but bush league…
Bungie stopped being Bungie ages ago. I don’t think any of the major players at Bungie who made that company even remotely special is left after they ousted Marty.
An MMO expansion requires you to buy the expansion to experience the
creepy way or best way?
I love when sometimes some article I commented on years ago is a related article to something newly published and then I get a reply to something I said back in like 2011. It turns out I was a little shit back then... Sorry.
cool, so fuck anyone who ever makes a mistake because me and mine didn’t make that mistake.
Maybe she asked him where she could find him to repay his kindness?
or open an oil pan recycling facility in the same compound.
well if losing at a higher difficulty causes you to want to throw a temper tantrum, then maybe you are the baby which the game is cheekily calling you.
it’s actually a handle for when you have to lift it up to vacuum underneath it.
“Mah ride”