cash me owside?
cash me owside?
Radio ad that ran for years for a local Honda dealership started with ambulance sirens and then the owner shouting about the apparent emergency of Hondas being present on the Hanwell (the street they are located on)
so wait, are you telling me Yu-Gi only wins because he’s cheating as fuck?
so wait, are we supposed to hate Musk now?
mine stops reporting the “distance to empty” when it hits 20km. I chickened out and refilled 50km after it stopped reporting, though I’ve always been curious just how much further I could have made it that one time.
yeah, really Dr PeePee has been going by PPMD for as long as I’ve known about him. I never made the connection to “Pee Pee, Medical Doctor” until someone pointed his history out to me. I don’t think that’d be the first interpretation of PPMD for most people but it remains a little inside joke for people who know him.
can’t, or won’t?
I think after economic downturn, rising average student debt, and falling employment rates for college/university graduates means there are far fewer families around that can afford to have multiple vehicles. If a family can afford only a single vehicle then it must be the “most practical” thing they could get.
anti-lag brapbrap is cool as fuck and I advocate for it in every instance but it is also hella illegal in places that do smog tests and I’m pretty sure it counts as probable cause for police forces world-wide.
I’ve always maintained that if I ever come across “fuck-you” money I’m going to buy a Lancer EVO and its contemporary Subaru WRX STI and then swap their engines with each other. Then I’d go to all the EVO meets trashtalking the lame mitsubishi engine and/or extolling the virtues of the Subaru engine and do the…
looks like a donair poutine to me
yes. If it was committed in the real world it would be but it is not in the real world.
welp, glad I didn’t stay up to wait for it. I gave up waiting at about 2:30am local
calling a silly childish videogame taunt sexual assault diminishes real sexual assault.
clambam, thank you m’am.
so that’s where they source Eatmore bars from!
it’s not really worded poorly, their reading comprehension is lacking.
I’ve always considered just buying the cheapest thing I can find in the spring for like $2000, drive it for the summer and then try to sell it in the fall as a winter beater. I figure provided it doesn’t completely die on you in the summer even if you could only sell if for $1500 then you can consider that $500 loss…
does that mean that proud owners will be left soulless?