y’all know kekistan is a joke right?
y’all know kekistan is a joke right?
they actually don’t even make it to the race having shredded their tires being that boss on the way to the race.
just have a giant woodchipper placed at the end of the the dropzone and reward anyone killed by it lose 1% of their account’s bp.
Buddha apparently has a couple different infinites. He still doesn’t have the crossups like my man JC tho.
heh, to be honest I found myself falling asleep in fast8 and I fucking love that series.
In that case it was the internet that shaped modern fandom, HP was simply the first fandom craze of the first generation to have never known life without the internet.
they’ve got the Raiju for PS4 which is the equivalent of the previous model of this controller Wildcat.
500% more than he sold on the other consoles!
Is that Mick Gordon’s work?
a sig P320 would be perfect for it
This. $660k is pretty much a dozen software devs for a year without benefits and without even a lease for office space or any other capital cost.
Sounds like that crackhead has been playing too much Grand Theft Auto
the real question is when will xim4 have mouse/keyboard support for switch
There are plenty of reasons for gambling to be regulated. I don’t think we should be particularly concerned about any one dev doing it, but we should be considering demanding some legislation around regulation to the currently completely unregulated RNGbox gambling scheme that is infesting the video game industry.
before shaking hands with his opponent
yeah there’s a github project that uses a pi (I think) to show up as a pro controller that will do exactly what fahey did
1. suck hard