yeah that’s a fair point
yeah that’s a fair point
dude has spend $41k already, I doubt he’s going to have a problem with ongoing upkeep and maintenance.
you sure it’s an SW710 and not an OILMS?
mine doesn’t... bought it new 3 years ago.
mine doesn’t... bought it new 3 years ago.
well, first no I’m not even arguing anything I’m simply correcting your obvious mistake. A cameltoe is when the clothes are so tight the labia majora are visible through the clothing. Cammy has never in the history of the Street Fighter videogames been officially depicted with a cameltoe.
that’s not a camel toe, that’s a wedgie and I guarantee more viewers of ESPN whack it to ESPN Body issue per capita than players of Street Fighter whack it to official Capcom Cammy media.
>implying her form-fitting tactical underwear is hentai
to be fair, a racing shoe likely isn’t going to be worn anywhere but in the pit and while racing, so it is only likely to have come in contact with fuel, oil, coolant, and nasty human feet. Also it’s disgusting in general, but I think slightly less disgusting to do a shooey from your own shoe than from another…
I didn’t come up with this, or the idea to share it, but I thought it was worth sharing.
with that China-tier copying I was surprised it’s not called Clash of Melee
joke all you want that’s actually a nice looking phone.
I’m no expert but those pros coming out to support him are all just having a laugh which isn’t supportive at all.
#NotMyBrock #NotMyMisty
given the anime they made lately, you really missed the opportunity to say they went “tits up” instead of “belly up”
ok now I can tell you’re full of shit and just trolling. cool.
I buy and play most ASW games. Which game in particular are you referring to?
Infinites are Mahvel. This game is a trainwreck.
fighting games stick around for a very long time.
“Download my rom, not that other guy’s”