No u
No u
Or creates an incentive to buy any other platform to play with friends who bought any other platform...
I’m hoping they defy the obvious and actually succeed. I’m not dumb enough to have my own horse in this race, but it would only be good for us consumers to have a new option at the lowest end of economy cars.
lucky for them, you don’t need top tier talent to make pachinko and VLTs
There’s no way this isn’t a marketing ploy.
right click looting is fine for getting started, but left click dragging them on to you is faster and more reliable once you’re used to it. Also I think you should make mention of the fact that shotguns are still quite useful to a surprisingly long distance— these aren’t typical Call of Duty styled scatterguns.
probably because it was a fast attempt at “first!”.
how can our music be “real” if someone on the internet doesn’t like the same things we like?
That’s a really odd way of spelling “Morgana”
I’d suggest buying that $1500 Subaru Justy from NPOCP and have $48,500 left for fun activities
My bet’s on 240z. Seriously, those things are so cool and will remain so cool until the end of time. They may not be to your particular taste, but anyone who thinks they’re not cool is not cool themselves and they don’t know cool.
this is going to get good once someone starts publishing a FFAR (fix fix Automata Resolution) mod. With any luck they’ll have some other arbitrary restriction so we can keep this train moving down the line.
The difference is Fetch is never ever going to happen. VR is absolutely going to happen, but what’s in dispute now is when. This may or may not be the moment that it happens but regardless, its happening is a foregone conclusion.
man the music too
it did maintain cache for the last three games you played though, which helped if you only played up to 3 games at a time.
yeah, after linking the video, text which if you read before watching the video 999 times out of 1000 spoils what’s in the video and shouldn’t be read before watching.
So no matter where you stand you never have to walk all the way around the car to do a line of cocaine.
half of the fun I got out of Halo 1 and 2 was trying to get places I was clearly not supposed to.
might want to throw a volume warning on there. RIP my ears
The “artistic integrity” angle goes out the window when the original devs themselves confirm that they didn’t even intend for a statement to be made and weren’t even aware of the existence of a statement in the first place.