
All you anti-throwers out there talking shit are like people going to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting to heckle all the people who fucked up.

Earpro (or lack thereof)

wow those are almost exactly what I was looking for

yeah if it’s not P5 Racing I’ll be real sad.

I just wish you could get trackballs with modern gaming conveniences like decent ergonomics, a number of extra buttons, and adjustable sensitivity. I know it’s kind of counter to the reason most people use a trackball, but I’d want one where you control the ball with your thumb which would leave the top face of the

how the hell does it not cost 4.20?

Family member stickers... particularly ones with more than 2 child stickers. They gave up on the joys of having nice things years ago and are happy to just not have the wheels fall off before their youngest is old enough to move out.

I cannot believe another man with two digits of mechanical keyboards when he says he’s too busy having sex. More like, too busy not having sex because he’s in the doghouse from CLICKITYCLACKCLACKing late into the night when she’s trying to sleep.

it’s kind of like provoking fights at protests so you can cry to the internet about how oppressed you are and to “validate” your assertions of how evil/wrong the people you provoked are.

I believe the proper protocol when you see something obviously nice underneath a cover is to:

Isn’t it “Bounce on the double, put the pedal to the floor”?

Damn Fahey that’s rough. Not that it’s any help now but I can’t stress saving on a rotation of 3 slots with a 4th slot for any anticipated branching story paths

fucking this. At one point I rented a DVD and was literally never once presented an opportunity to watch it before it was due back because of mandatory story events.

or just learn it and not need to take notes. If looking up the answer to the classroom quizzes is cheating, then taking cheat sheets into the exams is cheating too :P

what if the game I want to make is a game where you walk back and forth across a catwalk waiting to fight random encounters for 500 hours?

No, there are plenty of people around who have no soul.

for some reason that gored porsche looks super cool.

care to disagree.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ TWEWY or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ