
they bought it to have the name of the original associated with their game.

There’s one in the old city of Quebec that everybody uses at least once, so it’s probably pretty common vernacular for the Quebecois at Eidos Montreal.

More or less. Ultor was the evil company in the SR games and in the Red Faction Universe, so the three are apparently tied together. Looks like they just want to lay the Boss Saga to rest.

I’m surprised it didn’t end with the time in nineteen ninety eight when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, plummeting sixteen feet into an announcer’s table.

How about Recall Rally? Buyback Battleground?

Most of those look completely worthless, and the rest just mostly worthless at this point. Likely, the only ones not worthless will be the 5 he takes with him and a handful that reside at the “museum” which if you take a look at their website looks like it’s simply a premium rot lot.

seems odd that they’d opt for a toilet in the main room instead of a squatter in the shower stall. I mean, if you’re going to go for low key, may as well shoot for the bottom.

Not to blame the victim here or anything, but if I were the silverado driver I’d have gotten the fuck out of line after the stalled car pulled in front of me.

oh yeah I remember hearing about it at the time but it suffered the same “not CoD; not playing” fate as many other FPS games. I think one of the things you can say about the Call of Duty series, love it or hate it, boots on or off the ground, they’ve always had great controls, and always had the right “feel” at least

that’s the point... you zip in right before they die and change their timeline by saving them. Don’t ask why you wouldn’t simply zip in and collect Roach at breakfast instead of moments before being executed by Shepard, for example.

you know it really is just a matter of time before we get a Call of Duty: Timeforce where you jump from timeline to timeline rounding up all the Call of Duty goodguys for a final epic battle with the military space wizard badguys from the series.

careful, your weeb is showing

My brother and I drove that course back in November. Neither of us had driven anything faster than lightly tuned civics, miatas, and abarths, and never on a closed track before. It seemed decently safe to us, though I remember thinking I’d like to see that outer concrete wall at the chicane after the straight instead

it honestly feels like it could be one of the best NA live action adaptations yet. Though I guess there’s still time for them to blow that feeling away with further trailers like they did with GITS.

Right there with you Howard, I also use my real name as my avatar to score big boy points on the internet.

Type 18 sounds like Filthy Frank.

I’d say a fad for hipsters is calling fads for hipsters :D

The “grit” in cyberpunk comes about as a flip-side to the sterility of things such as a corporate-controller committee-made undying entity whose sole purpose is commercial. It is the yin to the anti-corporate “punks” yang. One cannot really exist without the other, and together they comprise cyberpunk.

I read that link quickly as “hot lick sex house”

It could be worse... you could be an Orochi main