So, that was definitely The Boss at the end, and definitely a futuristic take on the Saints’ fleur-de-lis emblem. This is their exit strategy for Saints Row’s ever increasing insanity.... Giving them a new context to be able to tone it down a little.
yeah really hoping it’s just like a Saints Row minimum 4 player co-op campaign take on GI Joe, and not “MOBA SHOOTER ALL THE THINGS”
so what, mount it to a wheel chair?
I agree that it’s shady and it isn’t justified, but people are acting as if Microsoft did it with no notice whatsoever when in fact they did technically do it with notice, that notice was just obfuscated behind their poor UI design.
in their defense the latest round of “gotcha updates” have said “We scheduled your windows 10 install for DD/MM/YY” Closing that message does not unschedule you. If anything, this proves that people aren’t really reading the messages and are just clicking through them.
Beautiful use of bold for the clickbait. Cutting it off just before “in Japan” will do wonders for your pageviews! A+
oh maybe that is the case, I’ve just been catching random bits from his twitter and thought he mentioned something about streaming in his Lucio cosplay for launch night. Just assumed it was done.
No Kenny in his Pharah of Lucio cosplay?
let’s keep this gravy train runnin
what’s ironic is that the people they’re usually referring to when they use “SJW” are similarily unable to have a rational argument with. They’re more alike than they’d give each other credit for.
Now everyone who is a douchebag and suddenly becomes very rich will know exactly where to burn their unappreciated wealth!
ok, as long as it’s a ghost hero who is murdering the bad guys it’s all above board.
I always love getting hackusations because it reminds me that I’ve still got it. At this point I think I’ve been playing FPS games for longer than the average player has been alive and I’ve never really left the scene, so I’m sure there’s all kinds of things that are unintuitive to newer players that are intuitive to…
lolwut I find it a little disturbing that the guy who literally murders the laser driver is apparently the hero we should be cheering on.
420weedlords killed all those GTRs?
I appreciate the title change, it was more the final nail in the coffin than it was the cause of death.
10 feels like they took the good core ideas of 8 and slapped them into 7 where they make sense.
Back when I played I always liked to play team doubles and triples. It was great because I’ve always been good at the build order optimization but terrible at micro so I would focus on the base building while my buddies were both good at microing so they’d take turns doing the actual fighting and scouting the other…
Ah yes, the old Konamian double bluff. It’s imprecisely what that didn’t want you to not think.