
lolwut, new 970s are currently cheaper than a single new PS4 and about on par with a new Xbox One.

I was under the impression that the MKIII has some pants-on-head retarded steering and suspension geometry that’s a PITA to fix. Is this just MKIV guys overblowing the MKIII’s issues?

I’m just wondering what the level of effort required is for those below minimum wage? Are they full-time jobs? Part-time? Contracted? It’s really depressing if those are 40 hours per week kinds of roles, but it’s only a little depressing if the average worker in those positions could work for 2 studios while still

you clearly stopped around MW2 because I haven’t heard anyone using the mic in years. now It’s just people blaring indiscernible music due to the compression of the mic channel or just being in private parties

that’s not at all the internet. That’s the opposite of what the title of the item you’re commenting on is even talking about. Did you seriously come into the article without even reading the headline just to comment?

I’ve played every one except for Ghosts. AW was my favorite campaign since 4, and BO3 was my favorite multiplayer since MW2 until they added the OP weapons to RNGboxes. I think IW looks interesting and I’d love to play the remaster of 4, but I definitely don’t want to buy it if they’ll be pulling more RNGbox shit.

the thing that really tickles me is how that same vocal minority who are crying about the new movement system in the last 2 games are the ones who were crying that it’s the same thing over and over for the last like 9 games and chastising the devs for being lazy. They make one little change to appease them and it’s

wouldn’t you just have to brake-check it and watch it explode into trillions of little pieces?

yeah “don’t buy someone else’s project” always meant to me like don’t buy a car that was midway through an engine swap when the PO “lost interest” or anything that “ran when parked”

Throw, statistically speaking, $80 at the game (above and beyond the price of the game, of course) and you too might be able to enjoy the modern “Mx Garand” revision.

because Nash is trash. You’re a boring character

the hilariously ironic thing about this whole controversy is that one of the larger undercurrents of the franchise is questioning what identity even means anymore when all of the once-permanent identity markers become as transient as your favorite brand of shoes.

pffft. sure. Next you’ll be telling me that organic is just a compound that involves carbon or something. /s

hell, even if it could do 4k reasonably well I’d still want to do 1080p with supersampling instead of 4k.

you know, people say that every single time it’s mentioned but I could stomp just as well on an OG Duke controller on an OG xbox in Quake 2 running on Damn Small Linux as I could with my keyboard and mouse on an actual PC at the time...

He’s right though. An inch to the right wouldn’t have made much of a difference... The foot to the right he needed to be to not be cheating would have made a massive difference though.

more like Razer Ripsoff, am I right?

edge: both.

untested? Have you even played a videogame in the last 10 years?

not everyone values things the same.