I can’t wait to get to a cutscene that fails to buffer day one because of server overload.
I can’t wait to get to a cutscene that fails to buffer day one because of server overload.
60% of the time it works 100% of the time.
$2550CAD, isn’t that the equivalent to like, a month’s worth of coffee to you American jalops? Please someone buy it and give it a nice retirement someplace warm that never has to salt their roads.
I’d buy a AR Passionista!
until that infamous hacker 4chan gets his paws on it and it’s dicks for days.
what the fuck is a munchkin and why does it look so similar to a timbit?
one of those cases is the *exception* to the rule. Hint: it’s not your parents.
yeah it’s completely a client-side change. Now people who want it can have it and everyone else who doesn’t give a shit can go back to complaining about the lack of an arcade mode and the super long matchmaking queues.
you know not everything is about masturbating, right?
heh, I bought like a dozen extra copies back when it was on for like $0.99 just to give them away to people who hadn’t had the chance to enjoy it. Sure, it’s deeply flawed but there still hasn’t been a game yet that made better use of branching story paths than it did.
man, I just want Zangief to get floppy dong package physics.
They said the bug would be fixed. They didn’t say when...
I want to see him get a price on it at carmax
growing is fun
Daigo has been playing V for like months now.
the rumors I hear was that Daigo thought it was first to 5 not first to 3 so was sandbagging just to make things interesting
they tried that once and failed hard at it. They likely won’t try it again without some form of incentive that PC players might value.
god yes. gotta get dat brapbrap after the whoosh for maximum respeck.
it’s not that it was particularly bad, but just there was nothing that captivated me and compelled me to play more matches.