
I know a girl who bought one specifically for tracking it. She let me drive it once and it really is quite fun. One of those things where things don’t seem to add up on paper, but in practice it starts to make sense.

I bought my PS4 after backing the kickstarter, largely because of this.

what’s going on mekon?

:_( I bought it for the volleyball... and the casino games.

I just want a modern volleyball game :( With or without titties, I don’t really care, just want it to be somewhere between a wiiu minigame compilation and a AAA sports title in terms of quality/simulation level.

Well. DoaXBV on the og xbox was at least a decent to very good 4 player volleyball game. The volleyball in xtreme 2 was a joke.

Sounds like the Journo wanted that to happen just so he could sling his salt on social media and have an article to write about the player, and about the event organizers.

also if any entity other than the driver and the owner has any culpability whatsoever (which they really don’t, it’s all on the driver IMO) it’d be more on the state’s regulatory agency which declared Porsche’s vehicle to be street legal. If the model did have some kind of safety omission and the state allowed it on

I got a short ram for two reasons:

For a kid who is old enough for R/C cars get them a not toy-class R/C car. I’m not talking about a 1/10 scale 40mph car that can do damage to them, the walls, doors, or vehicles on the street, but something like a 1/27 Kyosho Mini-Z. There’s like a million different body shells, so you can choose one that works for

Kirk’s review was doomed from the start when he didn’t even bother to set the game up correctly and then all of his non-UI issues were based entirely in not having set the game up correctly.

charcoal or propane?

#10 I can see as kind of legit if I try hard enough. I think it’s fair to assume a supra wrecked that badly might also have a wrecked engine, but when they look under the hood and it’s seemingly untouched by the fire and collision damage they realize it’ll be an overnight from Japan away from domination.

yeah that was alarms for me too. MAF would not stop it from running. That engine is probably a write off, I mean, the whole car itself is selling for less than I’ve seen people willing to pay for a 4AGE+transmission, and if this is some well renowned supra engine it’s got to be worth more than that...

maybe he posted it to multiple places?

how does it feel to be category two?

Also, meet in a public places for the transaction. Reduces the frequency of getting stabbed with a screwdriver.

That chainsaw looks highly impractical!

Don’t tell me what to do! I’ll put undue excess strain on the water treatment plant if I damn well please because it’s my god-given right as an American to be an inconsiderate jerk with respect to abusing minor personal conveniences.

Don’t tell me what to do! I’ll put undue excess strain on the water treatment plant if I damn well please because