
you might be thinking of the AT-ST?

maybe if the person you’re recommending to watched and loved DB/DBZ back in the day would I recommend one of the ultra-long serials like One Piece.

you seem to think I am saying it’s not a dumb move. Yes it is dumb, no I’m not defending the dumbass, but I, as a person who does not have a child can also make the judgement that yes it is a dumb move and the risks far outweigh the nonexistent benefit and I think you’re being an ass by making the assertion that

So did the rider in this video not have a kid?

that bike would stay upright even if the dad jumped off. Also, he could easily just grab the handlebars if he needed to... it’s not like he handcuffed himself behind the back on video.

Protip: reasonable people who don’t have kids can still understand being responsible for the safety of others. Having a kid doesn’t magically flip some caregiver empathy switch or something. That rider had a kid and things have apparently not changed for him, so what value would his “Have kid” tag add were he to

uhhh no offense, but your examples are pretty obviously painfully easy to do and none even use alpha blending at all... The one punch man one is not obvious which shapes were used and in which combination or order, and would be quite difficult to recreate given only the final picture, compared to your examples.

Jesus Christ...please stop...reading this hurts... Why the hell do people keep saying this?

they don’t ban you for it, this is blatant sensationalism. Gaben would not bite the hand that opens the wallet and throws money at the screens. Now, use it to avoid paying taxes and/or for the purpose of profiting from grey market ‘imports’ and you’re just asking for a ride in the party van.

This is an underrated post.

I’ve seen so many I thought it was a factory standard.

why use perfectly intact limbs when you can have holyfuckingshit robot arms?

heh, I was dumb enough to buy the e-ticket

how does this confirm anything? Gamestop routinely takes pre-orders on AAA sequels that don’t even have a name or boxart or confirmation of existence, didn’t you ever see Slash000’s Duke Nukem Forever pre-order receipt?

You can get a BRZ without ABS/STM and power steering?

way better to just buy a $12 heat gun.

it’s harder for electricty to flow throw his flesh than it is to flow through the steel tab, so it goes through the tab instead.

My friend who works in a shop told me that’s a top secret Foose edition Roush Charger with the sport package. You can tell its the sport package because it has the extra long arms on the downforcer.

“steal” and “theft”... you keep using these words, I do not think they mean what you think they mean.