>One through which many different things can be achieved.
>One through which many different things can be achieved.
Respectfully disagree.
it’s one thing to murder all your product lines with that feature then completely rebuild them years later, and another thing to have the product line miraculously survive the attrition. Mazda’s factories are already tooled for the Miata and the design is still being improved upon incrementally so it’s a lot cheaper…
stop rubbing salt in the wound left by Phantom Dust
The problem is just the swingy trends. Just a few years ago everything was moe but now that’s back down within acceptable parameters.
cyberization fatigue?
I think your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. There is no such thing as an unwinnable match and you are doing yourself a disservice by getting into the quitter mentality.
I’d take 86% of hundreds of millions of revenue per year. Hell, I’d be happy with 1% of hundreds of millions of revenue per year.
the one import that absolutely without doubts or reservations actually lives up to the hype around it.
Pre-order cancelled.
what is this? I needs it.
do Ford and Mazda still have benefits?
such OP. Many bullshits.
meh, Black Flag was the pinnacle of action RPG piracy. Everything else before and after have been only alright games to fill the void between other games.
>Complains about used prices of wagons being inflated
>Almost exclusively lists cars from makes that are known for having inflated values to begin with
>Calls it the wagon tax, not the luxury car tax
I’d like to see some trained police officers in the group, some trained soldiers in the group, and some trial runs with the gun owners playing the attackers. The police would be able to act as a control group for skill with the firearm and the soldiers would able to act as a control group for decision making under…
I think it’s a matter of perspective. We should be asking why don’t we tell more of our stories in the comic/graphic novel medium? There’s the whole stigma about “comic books and cartoons are for kids” which until fairly recently was largely the case. Through the 80s and 90s comic books were seen by our mainstream…
dance off to resolve disputes?
Nissan’s 1.6L DIGT is similar. Get a tune that makes 10% more horses AND have better fuel economy, don’t know why they’re so excessively rich tuned from the factory.