
not going to lie, my fob goes in my pocket and then comes out a month later when I wash my jeans. Or in the winter it goes in my jacket pocket and doesn’t come out for (what seems like) 8 months.

What’s wrong with Style Utility Vehicles?

yeah, I feel like it should have diminishing returns until you re-fire it or something. Especially when you get in base and fire it vertically through all 3 forts and it comes like twice as fast because of the lower travel time across the map.

there are some on playasia last time I looked.

Specifically, if it begins with a vowel sound you use “an”: An elbow, an egg, an anteater, an F P S. If it begins with a consonant sound you use “a”: A finger, a sandwich, a dog, a First Person Shooter.

Why did Rare stop making games? How many major publishers dumped them for failing to deliver on expectations? Rare lost their mojo at least two console generations ago. I take their kickstarter with a grain of salt.

This is also the team notoriously responsible for delivering fuck-all after those mentioned games to the point of getting dumped by Nintendo, only to be picked up by Microsoft who also dumped them after they delivered two complete steamers that were years past their deadline.

I think only one of their games has had the dev time to have a proper ending, KoTor 2 they had something like 8 months to ship the whole game. If anything Obsidian doesn’t know how to turn down a contract that has unrealistic time frames.

pretty sure they were at the stage of federal “pound me in the ass” prison if they didn’t comply with the C&D. RIAA had email records of them discussing complying with DMCA takedown notices then purposely re-upping the removed content shortly after.

wow even with your koalabucks those are dumb expensive, I bet you’d pay half that if you were to import one yourself. I’m expecting to land a late model 4+ in Canada for about $8k

agreed, mechanics-wise it is a great and fun game. Not terribly well balanced, but good enough to not be super frustrating for both new and seasoned players.

well if you’re going to recycle a whole game, why stop at just the gameplay. Recycle all of the things!

23 people worked on it. I’m sure you could build it with just 1 person or 1 million people, you only technically need 1.

It was good, maybe even great, but having the shadowrun name is what generated the frothing hatred. That and MS seemed to do everything in its power to make the crossplay fail, then abandoned the title before giving it a shot at DLC map packs to flesh out the content a little.

I’d like to see a mod that separates all the melee attacks out to separate buttons. I know I can just script buttons to just hit the direction for the attack right before sending the attack button press, but that’s a crappy off-brand bandaid of a fix.

trying to add more to that, thought about flipup headlights, then I thought about how funny a wagon would look if it had a bed in the back after the wagon. Now I want that hellish nightmare-mobile to exist.

Why are all those Yuropeens driving the wrong way down that road?

  1. Sports isn’t the only hobby

well of all the mobas I think this one is probably the best one to go to TV. Imagine having to explain the markets to an audience...

I was the same as you, I’ve tried them all but HotS is the only one I’ve actually enjoyed playing. You might want to give it a shot once it leaves closed beta.