The GE BWR backup generation safety fail-over equipment?
The GE BWR backup generation safety fail-over equipment?
This is the first I’d ever seen of this car. It looks like the unholy lovechild of a Skyline, a Regal GN, and an E30. This pushes all of my late 80s buttons.
That’s no longer IN.
If they want to lock down my ECU I’ll just never buy a new car again.
The other thing to consider is that not only do they have to check the console as it comes in, they’ll have to check every single game cart. For modern consoles it’s just a DVD/BR drive, pretty easy to check if new software is filled with drugs or shanks or whatever.
For one thing, it’s something you can take away for bad behavior. In our prisons where inmates get pretty much nothing, the only thing you can really deprive them of is time outside the cells and social interaction via solitary confinement. If you’ve got nothing to lose then you’re probably not going to care about…
American Prison. Contrary to popular belief there are other countries on this planet that handle prison differently.
because someone on the internet told him once that the emulations are imperfect and he’s taking their word for it.
But it’s not American PRISON where you’re supposed to be anally devastated and completely unable to reintegrate into society even though you’ve paid the penance that a jury of your peers agreed upon as being the appropriate punishment for your actions.
It’s also lost every SCCA and NASA Spec Miata class race since the introduction of the series.
ask a computer to play the match from the current state with a number of different moves and a set depth then tell you the move that generates the most positive results based on the metric you give it.
yeah I imagine if a grandmaster ever got to a state where their strategy is about to collapse and they’re not certain how they should mitigate it, feeding the current state to a computer might elucidate a recovery plan.
I find I only really tend to care about cars I could ever feasibly afford.
I wouldn’t mind it if they weren’t terrible games to begin with, just propping themselves up with 2edgy4u schtick value.
Hey, if you can get your wife and your girlfriend on the same page, I’m sure you can teach them and your daughter Krav Maga just fine.
ITT: people who can’t read.
from my short experience getting this set up the controller controls don’t appear to be re-mappable, and they’re curiously not set up like any of the layouts that Halo has ever had.
Well, the evolve client works much the same way xlink, xlink kai, and hamachi work. By joining an Evolve lobby, you’re joining a VLAN and you can see game lobbies in the system link menu. I don’t think the lag is from the 3rd party client (though it does reach out to an Evolve server in AWS, pretty sure it’s only to…
if you were there when Evolve’s matchmaking went down Saturday night you’d think it was that 4chams fellow too.