
What you want to do is have the important photos professionally printed in triplicate, one to frame in your house, one to keep at work or somewhere offsite, and one to keep in a fire safe. Non-important ones can be printed in singles while you're printing the important ones. Then you keep all the sources on a USB

candy smoke, yo.

lol I played a co-op match sunday where I had a ton of fun, said gg at the end then someone else said something like, "no, bg so slow"

ha ha, our accent has character :P 'least that's what I tell m'self.

I'm surprised they didn't also get him on littering for all the bits of engine internals his car likely shat out on the road.

I always thought the aboot thing didn't make sense, then I spent some time in Ontario and the aboot is real. On the East coast we definitely sound more like "aboat" here. Either way, I'd take boots or boats over the New England "we pahk the cah in the yahd"

innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?

but yet... it's still a cobalt.

I'd want to offer them less money for that.

no half measures.

It's not cancelled, Jason is just really good at making misleading clickbait article headlines.

they didn't cancel it Jason is just bad at English.

Not cancelled, Kotaku is just awful.


averaging like 35 fps is not playable, and this is on an unreasonably priced halo card. Reasonably priced cards won't be reliably producing 4K for a long ass time.

it definitely says something bad about our industry when UHD 4Kish displays are being marketed as the next big thing but even the best card to have ever existed whose price point alone is twice that of a modern gaming console can't even produce playable results. Display technology might be at that point, but the only

if you go with the AWD one sure. Though it's not much of a dog compared to other CVTs.

Agreed. I spent a year carpooling with it to the worksite 150km away with myself and 3 other adult males, it was a bit of a squeeze but it was definitely doable.

yeah definitely, anyone with a sheet of MDF and a cushion (or isn't confounded by a needle and thread) can make something more functional than any of these consumer available things.

I was unaware the SBC was Japanese.