it appears as though that mouse is a flat picture of a mouse and the shadow is shooped.
it appears as though that mouse is a flat picture of a mouse and the shadow is shooped.
Dayum, running this from a RAM disk is going to be expensive!
I always expected it'd be a piecemeal pay-for-character- you-want-to-play model.
Go home and be a family man.
well Evan is a dolt and this is just a gallery from some guy's photography facebook, and dude took some photos of "celebrity" cosplayers while he was there.
(initial) blueprint of the block.
This is just a set of photos coming from *someguy*'s photography facebook, Evan just titled the post completely differently from what the content is.
you may think that's what you said, or maybe you even intended to say that, but you did not in any way convey that. Fuck me for not reading your mind I guess.
Did you read the OP?
right because one picture from one point on one day of the weekend long event is representative of the entire event. God forbid she take a break.
The two of them had been in cosplay at some point over the weekend.
are you always this shining spectacle of a white knight?
but chooses for all intents and purposes to identify as a...
who gives a fuck.
We want it so Honda will not deliver it to us. That's their MO after all.
what is insanely limited bandwidth.
how is "suspect turned himself in, we're going to attempt to try him for two counts of murder" not proper justice?
Protip: Goldeneye was actually pretty not great. It just happened to be the first good shooter for a console that allowed for 4 player split-screen. When we remember the game fondly, we're not remembering the game— we're remembering the experiences he had with our friends. We remember having fun, not the game itself…
damn, those gummi bears won't ship to me. They could act as functional and delicious ballast for driving on these winter roads. When in doubt you could even use them for traction probably.
damn, those gummi bears won't ship to me. They could act as functional and delicious ballast for driving on these…
Use coffee to turn your rifled slugs into birdshot.