
tell me that third zero is a typo, then it'll be a NP.

So, don't buy the not core games? Some of us do like those genres, quit being such an entitled jerk.

ceramic plate and velcro?

wouldn't you get more power out of the horse by removing the deadweight 0.9 horses?

It's a character in a film. If that character is racist or culturally insensitive that doesn't mean the film is racist or culturally insensitive.

My next car is going to be at least 15 years old for importation reasons. I'll also probably never buy another brand new car... Not that I've had problems with this one I've had for 3 years, but I'll likely never be able to justify buying a brand new car when I can buy some moron's 1.5 year old lease at like 40-60%

Why mess with perfection?

Well, not that the non-M3 versions were garbage or anything, but it'd be kind of like conflating a stock Lancer with a Lancer Evolution. Except stock Lancers are garbage. Lancer Evos at the time when Evos even mattered were pretty great cars but no one would write home about a base model non-evo.


Yes, but that 1980s corolla would be one of the rival cars in the alternate world Initial D and would still command some weeaboorespectaboo.

14 foot snowbanks at the end of the driveway this winter have left me wondering why the hell we even settled in this god-forsaken hellhole to begin with.

Wangan because JDM bro.

Now playing

every bit of this makes me feel like they needed to license this:

Who gives a shit? I'm not actually an acid laced penguin but I play one online.

don't know/don't care who she is, but game looks like anus gameplay-wise and graphics-wise. Maybe a not shit game/dev might be able to have a booth in their stead.

that's great until the owner replaces all of the lamps with clear lamps as they burn out because clear lamps are $1 and red and amber lamps are like $2.5.

A lot of them do import cars without having a buyer lined up. The problem is they're like a $10k-$30k paperweight if they don't sell. You better have some financial backing with balls of steel to have a dozen imports sitting on the lot.

what variety of good? This is important.

The nostalgia is real.

Well, optimally, you want to produce exactly as much product as the market is willing to bear. Intentionally limiting production to less than what the market will bear only makes sense if you have a monopoly and if you want to drive the price of the product up.