
This is a glorious, and anxious day. This isn’t Obama is elected, and we have to remember that. This was a great, wonderful accomplishment that should be mundane in a truly JUST justice system. But, today, at least, justice worked. The small step for black lives is Derek Chauvin is without a doubt guilty, and spending

The real problem is the people who hire new cops are exclusively made up of group 2. We need to fire everyone in law enforcement and start from zero. Hire some Dutch or Icelandic cops to train them everyone from scratch.

How is assuming that all black people in England eat Caribbean food not stereotyping? Is there a family connection in Luther’s backstory? I haven’t seen the series so I don’t really know.

Luther didn’t need no stinkin friends. LOL! That character was just about his job, whatever relationships he had were located at the job. Off hours were for sleeping, eating and THINKING about his job. SMH

This was one of the main reasons I liked Luther. I don’t think once during that run of shows was his race brought up. Why can’t we have a flawed, badass character that just happens to be black?  

It is a different threat, but they surely do belong in the shadows. The further out of the mainstream the better. They should be afraid to be loud and proud. I’m sure they would be only too happy with ‘undesirables’ being pushed to the margins so it’s simple fair play.

Tons of people attended.  There just weren’t very many of them.

I feel like there’s a mattering/smattering joke to be made, but I’ve yet to have my first cup of coffee today.

Judging by that dude’s neck rolls, I don’t think you can say they failed to draw a sizable crowd.

Willing to bet they are starting to think about their actions. As in, “If my boss sees a photo at one of these events what will happen at work” type thing as more stories come out about companies being boycotted for employing participants of such events, or others just firing overt racists as they don’t know that such

Are you so stupid you actually think civilians were not killed in WWII?

1. It’s extremely naïve to think wars are somehow not going to happen without this tech. The Hundred Years War didn’t not happen because they didn’t have hololenses.

The US military buys kleenex. Should the employees at Kimberly-Clark lose sleep about it? 

Beyond killing the people responsible for 9/11, I agree with you completely, and my intent is not to say we need to keep deploying the Army to the middle east to cause chaos. If there was any justification for military action, even limited military action as a direct and focused response to 9/11, we squandered it

That’s my take-away; not to mention that this tech could help facilitate raids and protect the enemy combatants, as well. Much easier to gain leverage over an enemy when you capture their people instead of killing them; we just kill them because it’s safer (for us) and more effective.

I’m sure plenty of them are pretty happy to be creating technology that will help US Army infantrymen communicate better and check their surroundings better to keep everyone involved as safe as possible, including civilians.

If you wanna talk politics, thats fine. But then at least make sure you know what you are talking about. Those 288.000 estimated deaths are not all caused by Coalition forces. Only a small part of that number is attributed to coalition forces. To keep harping on about how awful the war is and how terrible the United

Because the first thing you would say if none of that happened was that you didn’t have any sexual contact with any massage parlor employee. That would absolutely be priority number one in defending your honor. However, if you did, in fact, have sexual contact at a massage parlor, then your argument devolves into “I

According to law enforcement he actually was a customer of these 3 locations. If he was a customer of the strip club, then he probably would have shot that up instead. There are plenty enough of news stories where race is a critical part of the story. There is not a need to try to put the race spin on everything that

I think this administration is going to be full of good and boring people.

Which is pretty much what I want, especially after the last one.