
You mean you dont come to these sites to have reddit and tik tok posts stretched out into 300 word “articles” mashed between dildo and amazon ads? 

6 articles about her story in 9 days is hardly “leaving her alone”

Nothing will ever produce more cognitive dissonance for me than people who felt left behind by the economic recovery under Obama and who complain about “the coastal elites” turning to a New York “billionaire” to solve their problems.

Yes, taken advantage of by these people:

The need to keep their eventual romance a secret from the dogmatic forces of the Jedi Order ultimately lays an entire Republic low.

No, the film has a clear argument. The problem is that some viewers can’t recognize some parts of the critique because they are subject to false consciousness ( “(especially in Marxist theory) a way of thinking that prevents a person from perceiving the true nature of their social or economic situation” to give a

I am not even sure she could get under the glue to shave it though

What legal options? This smells like a case of not reading labels or Googling product first -before- using it. In other words, this shit is all on her, because GG has been on the market for well over ten years now, if not longer and makes clear that you don’t use it for anything you don’t want stuck forever.

Gorilla Glue doesn’t specifically warn against hair usage.

The thing is, Anakin literally gives a speech to Padme saying that the government needs a singular leader to force everybody to do what they say and the people shouldn’t be able to vote on it. Your dialogue would never have come out of Anakin’s mouth because he’s an authoritarian imperialist from the very beginning.

It’s always interesting watching huge debates over Jedi as a philosophy as if it exists in a vacuum, because Jedi are admittedly, by George Lucas himself, just Buddhists filtered through the lens of a suburban white middle class Methodist kid.

This is ridiculous. Culture flows in all directions. 

Thank you.

I’m afraid I’m not “more woke” or have increased sensitivity after reading this article. I’m just a little stupider for having encountered it. This appears to be looking for ways to be offended rather than, you know, actually doing something about actual racial injustice and cultural appropriation. 

I’m literally the wokest person I know (and I currently live in Portland) but you are going out of your way to find something to be offended about. I don’t make a habit of telling another POC how to feel but there’s literally a million other things to be outraged about. Let this one slide.

Gawd. Just fucking pay these kids already.

Greene is a dangerous psychopath who presents a clear and present danger to her colleagues and the United States as a whole. She should be removed and locked up immediately before she harms anyone.

Years of Black Lives Matter protests and somehow we never managed to kill a single cop.

It’s almost like- and this is gonna sound kinda out there- that they adopted things like Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter as a way to disingenuously argue against and obfuscate something else, but I can’t put my finger on it.

Blue Lives don’t matter to Blue Lives Matter.