
“what about brown lives”


I’ve yet to see you show me where I am wrong. I welcome your counter points. 

This happened within a 5 second window — the time that elapsed from the moment the fight comes into view and the moment the girl attempts to stab the other girl. The officer calls out multiple times for Bryant to stop, which she ignores.

So is it a “psychological condition” that is best diagnosed by a certified mental health professional, or should we just trust Lifehacker to help us understand which “brand of terrible” we think we’re dealing with? Of course if any “people” should “come into close contact” with one of these dangerous animals non-people

Body cam makes it seem like the fight only spills out to the front yard once Reardon arrived. Not clear if they’d just arrived, but Reardon didn’t hop out with gun in hand, he went to speak with the people loitering out front. Then the girl came flying out into the yard with the knife. All of this happened in 10

All of your points about policing are well taken. But you are also misrepresenting this situation.

Look, your point is not a bad one in that there was a risk to the other person. However she was DEFINITELY getting stabbed if he didn’t intervene. It’s a risk assessment — does the risk of possibly hitting her with a bullet outweigh the risk of allowing her to be stabbed. This guy was a qualified marksman, and frankly

This is false, as anyone who has watched the video can attest:

He told her to stop multiple times before firing. When she tried to stab the first girl, who was then kicked in the head by one of several adults participating in this chaos, and then again when she went for the second girl. She was in the process of swinging the knife at the other girl’s abdomen. All of this happened

Officer did not feel threatened. The girl was about to be fatally injured. That’s how knives work. 

Except for the person about to be stabbed...

Real talk — he aims for the leg and misses and this other girl is stabbed in the chest, whose fault is that?

She didn’t deserve to die. But she was about to kill someone else. Cop was in an impossible position. 

handguns are terribly inaccurate.”

This is the front page news on CNN. The other story is nowhere to be found. 

Holy shit

Four seconds to make the choice. He did call out, and was ignored. Other girl was about to be stabbed. If you read this article and did not watch the video, you have no idea what happened. What is written here is a lie. See for yourself. 

Real talk — what’s your solution?

Don’t worry, “it will be punctuated with sketches, impersonations, archival audio clips, and a dope-ass soundtrack”