
Didn’t Floyd’s brother come out in support of this?

I am not saying she got what she deserved to be clear. I was praising your perspective, because I think you are motivated by the right emotions. I can sometimes be overly analytical. My intention is not to dismiss the value of her life, and I’ve tried to make that clear. I have an issue with the reporting. 

“Assuming a bullet and a knife hit the same spot, you are more likely to survive the knife than the bullet.”

We simply aren’t going to see this the same way. You are advocating that it’s better he allow the person to be stabbed in the abdomen than to intervene with deadly force. I think that’s an easy critique to level when you aren’t at risk of being responsible for someone else’s death. This whole “well a knife to the

“The other girl could have survived the knife.”

Your premise is that with a baton this police officer could have closed that distance and intervened, in spite of the fact that he had less than 10 seconds from the time the fight came into his view and the moment the knife was literally on its way to the other girl’s belly. The other person, according to current

Of course no one deserved to die. There is no justice in the death of a child. But if you’re being honest about the circumstances - somethin Jezebel has predictably decided not to do — it’s hard to fault the individual officer. The video is stark — the moment that girl is shot she is in the act of thrusting a kitchen

That’s fair. I guess I was talking about the later charges.

No shooting of a child is ever just. I am not taking sides. But you’re being disingenuous. There were 10 seconds between arrival and shooting. Watch the video, the girl was literally shot in the act of delivering what was in all likelihood a killing blow.

This girl was straight up about to kill the other girl. Watch the damn video, the knife is about to go into her stomach! How is this not clear? De-escalation??? This is within 10 seconds of arrival. 

Legitimately though, didn’t local PD do exactly the right thing in this instance?


The reality is, as many people have pointed out, that this person does not have personal relationships. He does not have “friends” in the true sense. Everyone whom he is close to either betrays him or is killed. Let’s also not forget that his wife was a woman of color, something that is glossed over here. Do all Black

Nailed it. 

Out in the open means they are emboldened. I get your premise and agree we want to know who they are, but it’s more important for them to believe their beliefs will not be tolerated by society at large, that the window of acceptable discourse is closing on them. They are able to exert more influence and pose more of a


Just a goddamn tragedy all around. 

Are all combatants in all wars villains?

Sure, sure. You are aware that the rest of the world doesn’t operate according to the dictates of your bleeding heart, correct? What’s the practical result of not investing in the military, in your mind? If your argument is that we should be spending more on education and human development, I agree. But that has no
